Track Sixteen - Let Me Go

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Some semblance of normalcy returned within the gang after the cake fight. They started behaving like they had before. They laughed and joked, they even pranked each other a little. It was not all okay, like it was before, but they were on their way to that. And for that, everyone was greatful.

"The cake fight was a good idea," Rahul told Armaan one night. They were in the living room, blankets sprawled around them. The two boys were having a movie night. They often did that. Tamanna and Jaanhavi didn't like the horror movies the boys so loved.

"What? What idea?" Armaan asked, playing innocent.

"Shut up, Armaan," Rahul replied. "You and I both know you were planning a cake fight. Things have been so awkward since everybody got here and that was a good idea. In the past couple of days, we've started behaving like before."

Armaan smiled when he heard that. "I know. I'm glad, yaar. Matlab, all this was so silly. I get that things have changed, but those people are our friends. And they'll always be our friends. They're the biggest part of one of the most beautiful phases of our lives. And, we can't ever forget that."

Rahul nodded. He kept his head on Armaan's shoulder and sighed. "Sometimes, I feel like maybe we shouldn't have come here. I miss Atul and Anjali and Muskaan and even Riddhima. Somedays, it's really bad. But, then, I see you and Tamanna and Jaanhavi. Our family. And I feel guilty for wanting that life back."

Armaan kept his head on Rahul's and gave him a side hug, squeezing his shoulders. "I know what you mean. I miss all of them too. It's not easy to forget all that, Rahul. Yes, that place has given us a lot of sadness, but it's given us so much more happiness. How can we forget all that?"

Rahul sighed. He wrapped his arms around Armaan in a tight hug. "We're gonna be okay, right?" He asked.

Armaan nodded. "We're gonna be great. We have each other. Aur kisi ki kya zaroorat?"

Rahul laughed. "Right."

They watched movies till late in the night, falling asleep still hugging each other with the tv on in the background.

So, of course, who should find them the next morning but Riddhima and Muskaan?

"Awwww, dekhna Ridzy, kitne cute lag rahe hai," Muskaan cooed at the two boys.

Riddhima smiled.

"I wish... I wish they stay like this forever," Muskaan mused.

Riddhima looked at her, shocked. "You want them to stay in each other's arms forever?" She asked Muskaan.

"What?" Muskaan questioned, surprised. Riddhima gestured to them sleeping soundly in each other's embrace.

"You just said you wish they stayed like this forever. So, they're sleeping in each other's arms. Do you want that?" Riddhima cleared.

Muskaan laughed. "No, no. I just meant, happy. Look at them, they look so content and happy. I wish they stay that forever."

Riddhima looked at them again and nodded, smiling. "I wish. You know Muskaan, Armaan has faced a lot of difficulties in his life because of me. But, seeing him here, with all these people, happy and comfortable, it makes me so happy. For the longest time, I was worried that Armaan would never find happiness in his life again. But, seeing him has made me realize that I was wrong. So much had happened, I forgot that Armaan Mallik can spread cheer and laughter anywhere he goes."

"Riddhima," Muskaan said. "Don't think that way. Yes, Armaan has had to face difficulties to be with you, but he was happy to do it. He loved you, Ridzy. And that gave him so much happiness."

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