Track Eight - Home

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A few hours later and Jaanhavi was ready to go home. She really disliked hospitals when she was the patient and not the doctor. Matt, knowing he would never win against a combined force of Armaan and Jaanhavi, let her go on the condition that she be on complete bedrest. He said that he'd stop by every couple of days to check on her and if the pain got too much to bear, to call him immediately. He also prescribed her some meds. With all that taken care off, Jaanhavi was finally released and went home.

"God, this is awesome," she groaned as Armaan situated her on her bed. "I'm never cribbing about my bed. Ever again. This is so much better than the one at the hospital."

Armaan laughed and kissed her head. "I'm gonna be downstairs. Holler if you need me."

Jaanhavi nodded. "I'm gonna nap for sometime. You should too."

Armaan nodded. Jaanhavi rolled her eyes at this. She knew that if Armaan stepped out of this room, sleeping would be the last thing he'd do. He would get caught up playing host and catching up on any appointments he might have missed while she was in the hospital. But she was sure he hadn't slept since she had been in the hospital, too worried about her to do anything but pace. So, she patted the spot beside her, indicating him to sit down.

"Yes?" He asked, sitting on the bed beside her.

"Nap with me," she replied.

Armaan rolled his eyes. Of course. "Not now, Jaan."

"Yes now," she reverted.

"I have work to do," he insisted.

"As if I care. It can wait." She replied.

"Jaan, don't be difficult."

"You're the one who's being difficult."

"No, I'm not."

Jaanhavi sighed. It was time to bring out the big guns. She widened her eyes and gave him the puppy dog look, complete with the lips. "Please," she begged.

Armaan sighed. Jaan always did play dirty. "That's not fair."

"Is it working?" She asked, not dropping the expression.

"You know it is," he replied.

"Great. All's fair in love and war, right?"

Armaan sighed. "God, what am I gonna do with you?" He asked, lying down on the bed.

Jaanhavi smirked in victory before doing the same.

"Night, Dada," she mumbled, hugging him to her.

Armaan smiled. She rarely ever called him Dada anymore. He didn't mind though. She still called him Malakh. Her angel.

"Night, Jaan," he whispered before kissing her head.

Riddhima who was passing by, stopped when she saw Armaan and Jaanhavi all cuddled up on the bed. They looked so cute. Riddhima couldn't help the smile on her face when she saw them. She stood there for a while, admiring Armaan. He looked so peaceful in his sleep. Content. She couldn't remember the last time she'd seen him looking like this. It had been so very long. When she'd seen him now, he'd been so worried about Jaanhavi. Before, he'd always been in pain because of her and Sid. He'd never really smiled then. She sighed. She still couldn't understand how she went so wrong with everything Armaan in her life. She loved him so much, but she hadn't ever appreciated him. And, she was paying for that mistake now.

"Riddhima," Sid's whisper brought her out of her thoughts.

"Hey," she greeted him, not taking her eyes of the duo.

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