Track Thirty Four - Fucking Perfect

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Everybody sat at the dining table, playing with their food and not eating a single morsel. The events of earlier still on the forefront of their minds.

After Aniket and Adhiraj had left, Tamanna had sobbed, right there, on the living room floor, for felt like hours, with Armaan, Rahul, and Jaanhavi's arms all wrapped around her tightly. When she'd fallen asleep, still in tears, Armaan had gingerly picked her up in his arms and taken her upstairs to her room, with Rahul & Jaanhavi hot on his heels.

The three of them had stayed with Tamanna all day, reassuring her that it would all be okay, loving up on her and making her feel safe. She'd been so strong in front of Aniket, but now the force of what had happened hit her and she was shaken. It had been a long road for her from the night she'd come home with Armaan to getting where she was today and it hadn't been easy. For any of them. And, while they'd all stood by as Tamanna faced the demons of her past, they were all affected too. The need to protect her from that man had been primal in all of them, having seen her dealing with the aftereffects of living with him. So, the little family of four had spent the evening reassuring each other that things would be okay and had only emerged later in the night to eat.

On the other hand, Sid was bowled over everything that happened and didn't know how to react. It was clear to him that Tamanna wasn't married anymore and her ex had been abusive, but why? What had gone so wrong that her marriage had ended with her so called husband landing in jail? The few interactions that Sid had had with Aniket always made Sid feel like Aniket was a nice, genuine guy and that he would do his best to keep Tamanna happy. Knowing that had been the only reason that Sid had been able to let Tamanna go. He knew that Tamanna's husband would keep her happy. But, said husband had obviously failed spectacularly in fulfilling his husbandly duties. Why?

He just wanted to make sure that Tamanna was okay. That she had found her footing again after living with an abusive partner. But, he was afraid to say anything. He hadn't spoken to Tamanna since that day at the airport, almost 8 years ago when they'd said their final goodbyes. Since he'd come to New York, he had of course, exchanged pleasantries with her, but the two had not spoken to each other about anything apart from a couple short conversations. Not knowing where they stood, he didn't want to make her uncomfortable by asking such personal questions.

Turns out, he didn't have to ask, because Naina, being the thoughtlessly blunt idiot that she was, asked, "Tamanna, how did you get here? I mean, after Aniket."

For a few minutes, there was absolute silence in the room, everyone staring at Naina in shock. No one could believe that she'd actually outright asked Tamanna what had happened.

Tamanna squirmed in her seat, not knowing what to say. Armaan, noticing her discomfort, held her hand in his and squeezed. "It's okay, Tammy. You don't have to say anything," he assured her.

"No," Tamanna disagreed vehemently. "I don't mind telling them. It's the truth. This is who I am and I'm not ashamed."

Rahul looked at her, beaming with pride and pressed a quick kiss to her temple. "I'm so proud of you!" He told her. Tamanna passed him a quick grin.

Turning back to Naina, who was looking extremely guilty, she said, "Don't feel so bad, Naina. You can ask me. We're friends."

Naina smiled at that.

"Aniket and his family, they... They... They abused me," Tamanna said, fumbling a little. "Verbal, mental, physical, and sexual. For almost 2 years, before Armaan saved me."

There were gasps across the room, all of them looking at Tamanna with wide eyes. Sid closed his eyes and looked away, not wanting anyone to see his tears.

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