Track Fifty Nine - Kho Gaye

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Previously On...

Armaan, Riddhima, and Simran convince Muskaan's family to accept her relationship with Rahul.

RaMusk get roka-fied.

Armaan & Riddhima spend time together.

Track 59 - Kho Gaye, Taaruk Raina

"The food is seriously so good, Riddhima!" Rishika exclaimed as she dug into her salad with gusto. Riddhima had elected to cook for their party, insisting that Armaan take a break.

"I feel you're a chef by profession more than anything else," she told him. "Why don't you move your bed to the kitchen too? It'll be easier na?"

"Haha," Armaan had laughed sarcastically but had ended up giving in, provided that Riddhima let him help, which she had been happy to do. It was a lot of fun too - just the two of them, having fun, playfully cooking and cleaning as they went. Riddhima could almost envision spending the rest of her life with Armaan this way. The thought made her smile.

It had been an added incentive that everyone loved the food, but then again, she'd always been a proficient cook. Everyone had been so happy, riding the high from Rahul & Muskaan's engagement — laughing, cheering, merry making — which only increased when Shilpa and Karan announced their relationship.

The two of them had walked into the very spacious dining room, that Riddhima had been wondering was ever used when she'd first come to see Rahul with Armaan, but had realized it very much was when guests started arriving for the festivities, fashionably late, hands entwined, eyes shining, and large smiles.

"Good morning," Armaan greeted them, his eyes zeroing in on their hands almost immediately. He looked up and raised an eyebrow at them, smirking when he saw Karan look away. Armaan had always known that Karan was the shyer one of the two.

"We have an announcement to make," Shilpa stated defiantly.

"Never would've guessed," Rahul groused, frowning at her, which confused Shilpa. Rahul had always been such a staunch supporter.

"Jaanaaaaa," Armaan sang, all sorts of smug. "Let her talk."

"Shut up!" Rahul snapped, making Armaan laugh even more.

"No!" Armaan exclaimed, bringing his hands together to make a heart as he did so.

"You're the literal worst," Rahul replied.

By now, everyone had turned their attention from Shilpa to the bickering duo, irritating her to no end. "Not that anyone cares, apparently," she harrumphed, "but Karan and I are dating."

All talking on the table stopped for a moment, everyone turning to the newly minted couple. The silence was broken by Armaan whistling loudly in celebration. "THAT'S MY GIRL!" He cried. "I LOVE YOU, SHILPA! YOU'RE THE BEST!"

Then, he turned to Rahul, his hand out. "Pay up!"

"I hate you," Rahul told both Karan & Shilpa before reaching into his pocket to pull out his wallet. He handed Armaan a thousand bucks.

"Easiest money I ever made!" Armaan cheered. "Thank you!" He told the couple.

"You bet on us?" Karan asked, disbelieving.

"Pshhh," Armaan scoffed. "With the way you were looking at Shilpa during the wedding? You bet your arse we did!"

"How was I looking at her?" Karan questioned.

"Like you're in love with her," Rahul told him. "Keep up, Karan."

"Nahhh," Armaan cut in. "He's looked at Shilpa like that for a solid year now. At least. He was looking differently."

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