Track Twenty Six - Oh Mother

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Armaan paced his office, worried. Ever since his talk with Shilpa, he was agitated. She'd forgiven Riddhima so easily. Armaan knew how much it hurt Shilpa to hear Riddhima say those words. But, she'd still forgiven her. Just like he used to.

He'd forgiven Riddhima for hurting his feelings time and again way back when. He'd been so in love with her that one smile and he was ready to let her get away with murder. It was a given, he supposed. Loving Riddhima was such an intense feeling. You couldn't go half-way when you did. It was always all or nothing. And he'd loved her with everything. Like, Shilpa did.

Yes, it was a different kind of love that Shilpa had for Riddhima, but it was wholesome nonetheless. Shilpa had told him time and again how much she loved Riddhima and many times, it used to remind Armaan of the love he had for Rahul and vice versa. And, he and Rahul would do absolutely anything for each other.

Now, knowing that she loved her sister so much, yet wouldn't get to be a part of her life, no matter how small or insignificant, hurt Armaan. Shilpa was a really good friend and Armaan did care a great deal about her. She'd been there for him through some really tough times back in Mumbai and then when they'd met again, in New York, 2 years ago, their friendship had only grown stronger. So, yes, she was a great friend and Armaan was worried for her. He wanted her to be happy.

He was also absolutely disgusted by himself. He couldn't believe that he'd said all those things to Riddhima. He'd called her selfish and heartless and cruel. He was so mad at himself for doing that.

Yes, what Riddhima had done was wrong, what she'd said was reprehensible. Yes, he was absolutely, completely mad at her for saying that to Shilpa. But, that didn't mean he had to do the same thing to Riddhima. He should have had a handle on his feelings and not blown off the gasket like that.

He knew Riddhima. He knew that once she learned the truth, at first it would be a complete shock and she might say stuff she doesn't mean. That's exactly what had happened. Yet, he'd lost his cool and proceeded to spew absolute venom at Riddhima, adding to her woes. He should have given her time to process the news. He should have helped. But, he'd done the exact opposite.

He needed to apologize to Riddhima. It was the right thing to do. He needed to do this. He needed to set it right.

Determined to talk to her, Armaan left his study and walked to her room. The quiet of the house made Armaan feel uneasy. It was haunting. Rahul and Tamanna had gone for some wedding prep, that Armaan and Riddhima were supposed to handle, but seeing the situation at home, Rahul had suggested they go instead. Jaan was a little shaken by the heated arguments at breakfast and had gone to the Mehras' for the day. Shilpa was in his room and Karan was sitting outside his door, determined to be there the minute Shilpa needed. That boy loved her so much. He just needed to figure it out already. The rest of the gang, he was sure, was with Riddhima. The kids had been sent to the Mehras along with Jaan so that the sombre atmosphere at home didn't affect them and they didn't ask questions.

Good, he thought. A public apology would be perfect, especially after he'd said all that in front of everyone.

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