Track Thirty Eight - Titanium

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Unable to see his condition, Rahul sat in front of Armaan and wrapped him up in a big tight hug. He soothed Armaan the best he could, but Armaan's sobs refused to subside.

"She's... She's going to h-h-hate me, Rahul. S-s-s-she'll be so disa-a-appointed in me," Armaan wailed in Rahul's shoulders, his words muffled by sobs. "I called the c-cops on my own father. What kind of a son am I? Bua Maa will be so disappointed. How will I ever face her?"

"Hey, hey, hey," Rahul soothed, running his fingers in Armaan's head. He pulled back and cupped Armaan's face, making Armaan look at him. Armaan turned his face away, unable to meet Rahul's eyes. He was suddenly feeling so ashamed of himself. He'd gotten his father and uncle arrested!

"Look at me, Armaan," Rahul said. Armaan only shook his head slightly, refusing.

"Look at me," Rahul commanded, turning Armaan's face.

"She's not going to be disappointed in you," he told Armaan. Armaan scoffed. "Shut up. She's not going to be disappointed in you. In fact, I'm sure she's proud of you."

"Proud of me for throwing my father out?" He asked sarcastically.

"Listen to me. You remember the promise you made her?" Rahul asked. Armaan nodded. Of course he did. All of this had been about keeping his promise to her.

"You promised her that you'd protect Jaanhavi from everything. That you'd never let anything happen to her. That's what you did today. You kept your promise to her. You were in a situation that caused Jaanhavi pain, and you dealt with it. You made it so that she wouldn't be in pain anymore. Those two vile excuses of humans have given Jaanhavi nothing but grief for the past 18 years. And today, they got their own. Shalini Aunty would be so proud of you. You kept your promise to her. She'd be so proud," Rahul told Armaan.

"Jaanhavi's so lucky," he continued. "You're the best brother, Armaan. You're not a failure, you hear me? Not at all. You're one of the strongest people I know. And, you're the best son, the best brother, the best friend anyone could ask for. Anyone would be lucky to have you in their life. You're such an amazing person. I'm so lucky to have you in mine. And, I'm so very proud of you."

Armaan scoffed again. Rahul sighed.

"Listen to me," Rahul commanded. "I am proud of you, Armaan Mallik. So very proud of you."

"Even after today?" Armaan asked him, his voice uncharacteristically vulnerable.

"Especially after today," Rahul assured him.

Armaan hugged Rahul again. "You really think Bua Maa is proud of me?" He asked Rahul.

"I know she's really proud of you. How could she not be? You're the best son," Rahul replied.

Armaan smiled through his tears and pulled Rahul into a hug. "I love you, Rahul."

Rahul smiled at that, his eyes get teary. "I love you, baby," he replied. Armaan always did like being called baby whenever he was sad. It made him feel as though he wasn't alone, that someone was there who cared for him, who thought of him affectionately. Yes, it had started out as a joke, but it was anything but a joke now.

Rahul sighed when he felt Armaan have an anxiety attack. The tell-tale heavy breathing, the shivering and the jumbled whispers gave it away, like they always did.

Rahul had been through too many similar situations with Armaan to know that. The abandonment issues that Armaan battled each day, were staggering. All his life, people who he loved had left him, making him feel like he didn't have anyone. His parents, his aunt, Jaanhavi, Nikki, his friends, and even Riddhima.

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