Track Twenty Four - My Wish

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That night, everyone was over to Armaan's house for dinner - Chote Papa, Juhi Ma, Rohan, Shailee Di, Arjun Jeeju, Vedika and even a few of their guests who had stayed behind to help with the wedding prep. (Shailee and Vedika are Rohan's sisters. Arjun is Shailee's husband.)

Everyone, especially Juhi Ma was happy to have Karan back home. He was a very successful businessman and his work took him all over the world. That, coupled with the fact that he had moved out of their home when he was 25, stating that he wanted to be independent, had made it very difficult for them to spend time with him. Even though now, Karan had started delegating a lot of his responsibility to others, he was still a busy man. Before coming home, he'd been gone for almost a month. Shilpa had been visiting them in New York, helping Jaan and Tamanna with some girly wedding stuff. When she'd left for Florida, Karan had left with her. He'd first gone to Florida with her, spent a day there and then he flew to Berlin for a few meetings, after which he went to Sydney and then to Bulgaria before flying back to Florida to bring Shilpa here for the wedding. So, suffice it to say, they hadn't seen him in a long time and everyone was happy he was back. Karan basked in all the attention he was getting, loving the way he was being loved up on.

"Armaan! It's been so long. Ek gaana toh aaj bannta hai. Please!" Shilpa pouted as they all sat in the living room, talking.

Armaan chuckled lightly. Shilpa was almost as bad as Jaan & Tamanna when it came to him singing.

"Yes, Armaan! Shilpa is right. It's been so long since we heard you sing! The baby misses your voice!" Shailee Di added. She was almost 6 months pregnant and loved to call Armaan at odd hours to hear him sing. Apparently, it soothed the baby a lot and put her right to sleep. In the past couple months, Armaan had heard his phone ringing in the dead of the night, Shailee Di demanding him to sing a song, countless times.

"Haan, bhai. Aaj toh gaa hi do!" Chote Papa egged him on.

"Okay, okay! You guys don't have to butter me so much. I'll sing," Armaan agreed. "Let me go get my guitar."

A round of cheers chorused across the room. Armaan shook his head fondly at all of them before fetching his guitar. He sat next to Rahul and strummed lightly before saying, "Everyone has to participate in the song, okay?"

"Yes, yes," the crowd replied, all of them eager for him to sing.

As the opening chords of Little Thingsrung around the room, many of the ladies blushed as the men smirked. Armaan had taken inspiration from all of their relationships to write the lyrics for this song with Ed.


Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me

But bear this mind it was meant to be

And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks

And it all makes sense to me

Arjun Jeeju sang softly to his wife, smiling all the while. Shailee Di blushed a deep crimson and hugged him.

I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile

You've never loved your stomach or your thighs

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