Track Thirty Three - Warrior

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Trigger Warning - This chapter contains talks about physical abuse. Nothing major, but it shows evidence of physical abuse and the after effects of the same. If you're uncomfortable, please skip where indicated and read a short summary at the end of the chapter. 

When Tamanna woke up the next morning, she was surprised to see Armaan sleeping in her room. She looked at the clock and was even more surprised to see that it was almost 10am. Armaan never slept in so late. But, then she realized that he must have been really worried last night, if the number of missed calls she had was any indication. Of course, that's the reason why he was sleeping in her room, too.

Tamanna smiled and shook her head fondly. Armaan was so overbearing at times. But, he loved her so much and did the things he did only because he was worried, which was why Tamanna cut him some slack. Poor dear was already so worked up over the impending nuptials and the fact that his baby sister would be leaving him. Again. Forever this time.

Wanting to cheer him up a little, to make him smile, she decided to play a prank on him. One that he'd played on her countless times. She stealthily crawled across her bed, to the foot, where Armaan was resting his head. She placed her lips, right on his ears, and then, shrieked, "AAAHHH!!!"

Startled by the sudden noise, Armaan woke up, screaming himself.

He looked around, confused, and saw Tamanna cackling.

"Hahahahaha... That... Hahaha... That was so... So funny! Hahahaha... You shouted so loud!" Tamanna cried out between laughs.

"Tamanna ki bachchi!" Armaan shouted. "Tujhe toh main dekh lunga."

And thus began their game of chase. Laughing loudly, Tamanna rushed down the stairs with Armaan hot on her heels.

"Tamanna! Wait! I'm not gonna leave you today! Aisa koi karta hai kya?" He shouted while running behind her.

Tamanna immediately hid behind Riddhima, who was standing nearest to her. Armaan tried to stop himself in time, but wasn't able to and ended up falling down taking Riddhima, and in turn Tamanna, with him.

"Owww!" Tamanna yelped. "That hurt!"

"Good!" Armaan replied. "Tere saath aisa hi hona chahiye!"

"Hawww!! Meanie!" Tamanna cried.

Armaan just stuck his tongue out at her, the mature adult that he was.

"Uhh... Would... Would you please move?" Riddhima asked timidly.

Armaan was so close. Closer than he'd been in years. All she really wanted to do was hug him tightly, hide in his arms and never leave. Being in his arms always gave her a sense of security like no other. She hadn't felt it in 8 years now. And, she so desperately wanted to.

But, seeing him get so worried about Tamanna last night had been difficult for her. She'd never ever seen Armaan get so worked up over something so small, ever. It was just a nightmare! Yet, he'd been so worried, despite knowing where Tamanna was, till he'd seen her in front of his eyes. It just showed how deeply he cared about Tamanna, how important she was to him. The fact was a little hard for her to accept, because somewhere, she felt that Tamanna had taken her place in Armaan's life.

She'd seen just how similar her and Tamanna were, in so very many ways. They both dressed in simple Indian clothes, both of them a little meeker and more soft spoken than their friends, both of them stubborn headed and ready to fight for what they believed in. Yes, they were pretty similar. So, was it such a far fetched idea that the new girl in Armaan's life was a reflection of her in so many ways? No, not really. Armaan had always been vocal about how much he loved her, how he wouldn't ever be able to love someone as much as he loved her. So, it made sense to her that when Armaan found someone again, she was like Riddhima.

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