Track Forty Two - Roller Coaster

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Nikki & Riddhima finally came back downstairs late in the morning, after taking eons in the bathroom to get rid of the slightest evidence that would let anyone know they'd spent hours crying. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Everyone seemed to be goofing around, well, those of them who were at home, at least.

Her parents and Nani weren't there, so she assumed that they were at the Mehras', helping in any way they could. They were from the groom's side, after all, even if it didn't seem to be that way because all of them had grown so very fond of Jaanhavi in such a short time. She really was a ray of happiness and sunshine,despite being heavily injured. It reminded Riddhima of all the times that Armaan had been bid ridden at the hospital and still had managed to retain his sunny disposition. Armaan and Jaanhavi were so alike in so many ways, and yet so different in others that at times she was shocked. It was evident though,that they were raised by the same woman, who Riddhima knew in her heart of hearts, had probably been the most amazing person. It made her heart ache. She wished that she could've met her, if only once, not just because she had come to realize just how much she meant to Armaan, but also because from what she'd heard from Jaanhavi and Nikki, Shalini Aunty seemed to be the kind of person that Riddhima would have admired with all of her. Quick witted, passionate,strong, and a heart brimming with so much love to give to others. Yes, Armaan was his Bua Maa made over. Riddhima had absolutely no doubt about that. She wished she could have met the woman once to thank her for raising Armaan to be the man he was, for loving him so much when he didn't have anyone, for being such a doting and attentive parent to him in all the ways that mattered, and for being the safe harbour he'd needed as a child. There was so much more that she had to say to Shalini Aunty, and she wished that she could have had that chance, but she never could, and it would always hurt her. Funny how life worked. She never thought she'd ever feel such a deep ache and longing for someone she'd never even met. She didn't know how Armaan, Nikki, and Jaanhavi did it. Absolutely not.

She scanned the room once more to see Armaan playing with Nikumbh, Navneeta, and Samrat. Her heart warmed at the sight. She could see how bright Armaan's smile was, and when he turned to see her and Nikki standing there, his smile got impossibly wider. He held his hand out, his eyes conveying a million emotions all at once. "Jaani?" He called softly, a question and a plea. "Come, join us?"

Everyone in the room looked up sharply at the term of endearment falling from his lips, a name they'd never heard before, but which was spoken with such a soft reverence as if his tongue had been dying to form those syllables for years. And they probably had.

Nikki, unmindful (maybe even completely unaware and oblivious) of the stares in the room, giggled and eagerly skipped towards him, immediately holding her hand in his the second they were in touching distance. She sat down on the carpet beside him and he dropped a quick kiss to her cheek before turning back to Monopoly.

Jaanhavi and Tamanna watched the scene unfold with tears in their eyes, much like Riddhima's. It was all the confirmation Riddhima needed. They knew. Which meant Rahul knew, too. Riddhima didn't know how it would all play out, but watching the unbridled joy on both Armaan & Nikki's faces, she knew that they'd be just fine.

Riddhima's ears caught a quiet giggle and she saw Anjali and Atul tucked away in a corner, observing the little party of 5 in the middle of the living room. Atul was rubbing Anjali's baby bump and Riddhima knew that the two of them were imagining their own baby thrown into that haphazard, messy, yet amazingly beautiful mess.

Rahul& Muskaan had obviously gone to check over some prep, and it warmed Riddhima's heart to know that they were getting these moments together, because she knew that no matter what happened after Rahul finally decided, they would always have this time they'd spent together. She remembered how she'd cherished it with Armaan till a couple days ago. Gods, it felt like all that had happened ages ago, not days. Ever since they'd come to New York, it seemed like time was too fast, and yet, too slow. It had certainly been an eye opening trip, riddled with revelations at every corner. And yet, there was still so much that remained unsaid. But then again, wounds inflicted over the course of a decade couldn't be healed in a matter of 3 weeks. She hoped and she prayed that it would, though. She needed this to work out. She needed Rahul to understand how much Muskaan loved him and for him to let go of his insecurities. She needed Rahul & Muskaan to be together. Muskaan was the best friend anyone could ever ask for, and she'd done so much for Riddhima in these past 7 years that Riddhima wouldn't even be able to repay her kindness in the next 7 births. After everything they'd been through, Muskaan deserved all the happiness in the world, and it was clear that she wouldn't be completely happy without Rahul. Ever.

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