Track Nineteen - Starting Over

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Sid cleared his throat to get Armaan and Riddhima's attention. The noise startled Armaan, who finally got out of his trance. He looked to see Riddhima in his arms and let her go as if she was on fire. She would have fallen to the floor, but luckily, Sid was standing right behind her and balanced her in time.

"I'm sorry!" Armaan exclaimed. "I didn't mean to..." He tried to explain, not knowing what to say. More than Riddhima, he was apologizing to Sid. He didn't want to cause problems in Riddhima's marital life. Again. He'd already done that enough back in Mumbai 7 years ago. He wouldn't do it again. He needed to stay firm in his decision and stay away from her. What had happened was just a momentary relapse. Having Riddhima so close to him, in his arms, like he'd had so many times before had just made him remember those old times, which was the reason he got carried away. Nothing else. He didn't feel anything for her. He'd left her behind in that locker room all those years ago, and he wouldn't let those emotions wreak havoc in anyone's life again.

"It's okay, Armaan," Sid said, sensing his guilt. Armaan was such a pure soul. Sid really admired him.

Armaan managed a small smile.

"Can I do anything for the two of you?" Armaan asked hospitably.

Before Riddhima could deny, Sid frantically nodded. "Yes!" He exclaimed. Riddhima tried to walk away, but Sid caught her wrist, not letting her escape.

"What is it?" Armaan asked, though his eyes were locked on their joined hands. The sight made his chest ache. Just a little. But, he was able to shrug it off. It wasn't the overwhelming pain it used to be, seeing them together. Now, it was just a dull ache. A reminder of what could have been. Nothing else.

"Uh, Riddhima wants to talk to you," Sid announced. Armaan looked at her curiously, wanting to know what it was. Riddhima hadn't initiated conversation with him since that one conversation they'd had while Jaan had still been in the hospital.

"Alone," Sid added, making Armaan even more surprised.

"Oh," Armaan breathed.

"Yes. So, I'll just be on my way," Sid said, slinking away, after showing Riddhima a thumbs up sign. Riddhima tried to stop him, but he ignored her and left.

"Ufff! This Sid. Such an idiot I tell you," Riddhima muttered under her breath.

Armaan cleared his throat, wanting Riddhima's attention. When she looked at him, he asked. "What's the matter, Riddhima? Any problem?"

Riddhima shook her head. "I just... I wanted to talk."

"Okayyyyy," Armaan drawled. "What about?"

"Um, can we talk inside?" She asked, gesturing to his bedroom.

Armaan nodded reluctantly.

"So? What is it?" He asked, closing the door behind him after he'd followed Riddhima inside.

Riddhima didn't talk. She looked around the room, surrounding herself with the essence of Armaan. His scent lingered in the air. Riddhima was happy to know that he still used the same perfume as before - Curve by Liz Claiborne. It used to drive Riddhima wild. She'd never admitted it to Armaan, but his scent was one of the first things that had attracted her to him. But, Armaan being Armaan, had, in some way, figured out that she liked that scent, which is why, when he'd been trying to get Sid close to her, he'd advised her former husband to use that perfume. However, it had the opposite effect from what Armaan desired. Smelling it had only reminded Riddhima of the time she'd spent with Armaan. When, one night, she'd reluctantly told Sid this, he'd immediately started wearing his old perfume again. As far as Riddhima knew, Sid still didn't use it, even though he'd admitted to liking the scent a lot.

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