Leo, All Da Ladies Love Him

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If anywhere in this story I say something even remotely offensive I apologise. I don't mean it. It is simply for the sake of the story and not my actual opinion.

Featuring: Leo Valdez, Calypso, and Annabeth Chase. Mist

Hi. I am Chloe McArnistine. Yes, McArnistine as in Rory McArnistine the famous Billionaire singer. I, of course, am drop-dead gorgeous. I have a boyfriend, Mikey Affleton that I cheat on like every day. Today, we apparently have a new guy coming to school. I wonder how long it will take for him to fall at my feet, just like the others. 

I got ready for school, wearing short shorts and a tiny crop top. It violated the dress code at school, but I never get in trouble there because they're all too scared of my dad. 

I got in the limo after putting on (way too much) makeup and adding my multiple (infinite) hair extensions

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I got in the limo after putting on (way too much) makeup and adding my multiple (infinite) hair extensions. 

I walked into the school, 10 minutes late or as I like to call it, fashionably late. When I got there, The girls from my cheer squad (I was captain) and every other girl in school were all standing in a group sighing and saying things like, "Isn't he hot?", "He's so dreamy", or "I wonder if he has a girlfriend?"

I pushed my way into the crowd and asked my co-captains, Raya and Lulu, who they were talking about. 

"It's the new guy, Leo Valdez, he's just so hot he could be on fire!" Lulu answered.

"Yeah." Raya agreed. "Look," she turned me to face a guy talking to -- what was it? -- Annabelle? Annabeth? Something like that. They were laughing like old friends. I took a closer look at the guy, he had elfish features, like: pointy chin, pointy ears, etc. Which made him look adorable, He had shaggy brown hair the color of tree bark, and his dark brown eyes reflected the light making it look like a fire was burning inside of them. The way his eyebrows were angled and the way the corners of his mouth always twitched made it seem like he was laughing even when he wasn't. I didn't know how this made me feel until he glanced in my general direction and my heart practically melted and I involuntarily sighed dreamily.

Raya and Lulu took their usual places behind me and we approached him. We came up behind him and I tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and the Annabelle moved so that she was at his side. 

"Um, is it just me? Or is it suddenly, like, 30° warmer?" Raya asked, and I hadn't noticed before, but she was right it was way warmer over here. 

Annabelle raised an eyebrow, "It's probably Leo." 

I almost scoffed at her lame attempt to flirt with perfection. Leo blushed and scratched his neck while looking at the ground. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen and I almost squealed.

"Sorry, I -- I don't do it on purpose." He said.

Annabelle rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless, "I know."

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