Harper Yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo

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I was worried. We were getting a new kid in a week. They always tell us in advance so that we know what to expect. His name was Perseus Jackson. They told us that while he had been accused of many things, he had never really done them. But, they also said that he had been expelled from many, many, many, many, many schools.

What kind of stereotypical bad boy was he?

We were making a 'Welcome, Percy!!!' banner. Why we would welcome someone that would probably burn down our school if we weren't looking, I don't know.

Suddenly a phone started ringing loudly. I glanced at Piper. She was nice, and pretty. She looked surprised that it rang. 

Ms. NotKiv looked sharply at Piper. She smiled sheepishly and answered her phone, because that's the rules. She had to put it on speaker.

"Seaweed brain, I'm kinda at school right now." She scolded.

"I know, but-- but-- but--"

"Spit it out."


Piper looked like she was gonna laugh. Why? I don't know. In her position, I would have gotten really mad that I was interrupted for that

"Put him on the phone." She said, grinning.

There was a long pause of silence...............................

"Hey, Beauty Queen!"

"It'd be really great if you'd give Percy some tacos." Piper responded.

"Haha! Nice try, Pipes! Unfortunately for you, these phones have a specific frequency that neutralizes your precious sweet talk!"

She growled, "Listen, idiota, if you don't give Percy some tacos, we both have to face his baby seal eyes later and I will make 100% sure that 100% of them are directed at you."

A silence followed...............

"Thanks, Pipes!" Seaweed Brain said. 

"No prob." She hung up.

Ms. NotKiv looked miffed that her class had been interrupted by tacos. 

But, nevertheless, we continued working on the posters. I scowled. It was well known that I was good at art, but I was intentionally doing a bad job. Why put effort into when Percy will hardly appreciate it anyways?

Anyways, a week flew by, and eventually Percy had arrived.

He wore a faded orange hoodie and jeans, and even I had to admit, he was sexy as hell. 

Hi black hair was unruly and gorgeous. His sea green eyes twinkled with mischief. He had a tan and a muscular build. For the splitest second I wanted to kiss him. But then I realized that he had been expelled by so many schools, and didn't think about it again.

I avoided him in the halls. I ignored him in class. Even if he was right in front of me asking for a pencil.

Eventually he confronted me about it, "Hey, um, did I do anything to offend you or..."

I wasn't thinking. I wasn't paying attention. I had zoned out. Whatever. I wasn't aware of my actions at the time. 

I lunged forward and kissed him! Straight on the lips! What was wrong with me! And yet...it was sweet.

Unfortunately, he pushed me off him, "Yeah, sorry, but, um, I got a girlfriend."

I didn't say anything, but ran. 

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