Sarah Sassy

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Yes, that is her name. Persassy says deal with it.

Featuring: Annabeth, Percy

I was best friends with Annabeth Chase. She was beautiful and intelligent and a hassle. So many guys asked her out. I would always have to be the one to say, "No, she has a boyfriend. Go away."

I didn't think she ACTUALLY had a boyfriend but I wasn't one to criticize. Brad Chesley approached us to ask Annabeth out again, no doubt. 

"So I was wondering if maybe—" 

"No, bye."

"I wasn't talking to you." 

"Yeah, but your not worth enough to take up her time."

He was going to blow a fuse. I could tell. He was this close and— he walked away. No anger. Well, okay, yes anger, but he didn't act on it. 'Good.' I thought. 'Less of his bullshit I have to deal with.'

📢 New kid Alert 📢 he's also a hottie. He was walking towards us and — 

"How are you on this fine morning, beautiful?" He said in a fake southern accent.

AnnaBeth looked up and was about to say something when I interrupted.

"She's not interested and has a boyfriend." I said in a bored voice.

But Annabeth surprised me by standing up and kissing him. 

"Wha— I thought you had a boyfriend?"

"Percy meet Sarah. Sarah meet Percy, my boyfriend."

Huh. Well, Percy sure as hell seemed worth turning down all those guys.

This short chappie is crappie

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