Dan Bitchalot

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So, there's this one guy that goes to my school, Malcolm Pace. He's a HUGE nerd. A+ in everything. I had managed to get him to be my friend for free answers on homework. He's so pathetic. Always with a book, glasses, no friends til I found him, I mean, GAH! He's seriously lowering my popularity!

The boys were pretty bitter about Malcolm til I let them in on the whole homework deal. Now they were chill with it.

I walked up to Malcolm at his locker. My chocolate brown hair dipping into my eyes that were a startling green.

"Hey, Malcolm."

He shot me a glance that, if I didn't know any better, would have taken as dislike for me. Luckily, nobody dislikes me.

"Hey," he responded.

He was leaning against his locker, engrossed in a book. I slammed it shut.

"Hey, pay attention to me when I'm around!" I exclaimed.

He looked at me like I was the biggest demon on earth. What's his problem?

"I. Didn't. Put. The. Book. Mark. In. Yet." He said in short, heavy breaths.

"Oh, stop being dramatic. You'll find your page eventually."

His hands clenched into fists. Hah, what was he gonna do? The weakling couldn't do more than give me a paper cut. I mean, I've never actually seen his muscles since he wears baggy sweatshirts with long sleeves, but nerds don't work out.

He took deep, ragged breaths and unclenched his fists.

"Whatever. My sisters coming to this school tomorrow."

My face went slack, he had a sister? But, more importantly, was she hot?

"She hot?" I asked. 

He rolled his eyes and walked away.

You know, if he doesn't stop that sass I might have to...👊💥


Time to see this sister of Malcolm 🥱.

I waited for Malcolm to get off his bus. He lived at some summer camp or something, I don't know how that's legal, but hey, I don't give a fuck. 

Finally, I saw him come in.

He was chattering excitedly with some girl. She was very pretty. Long, curly blonde hair, calculating grey eyes. She looked like Malcolm, except attractive.

And then I noticed something.







Hands. Since when? He ALWAYS had a book in his hands. And than I saw something else. He was wearing SHORT SLEEVES. He was muscular. Far more than me, and for a .000000000000001 second I was jealous. Then, I remembered that he was hideous.

Then I looked at him more closely. He had cleaned his glasses. His hair was clean, fluffy and brushed and I saw many of girls looking at him. Maybe I did  have a reason to be jealous.

I walked up to Magically-Attractive-Malcolm and his sister.

"Hey, I'm Dan." I said, extending a hand. 

Her grey eyes fixated on me and my heart skipped a beat, "Annabeth." She ignored my hand.

I awkwardly lowered it.

Malcolm ignored me, "So, be honest, first reaction when you saw Festus."

She frowned, "For a second I was figuring out how much celestial bronze that must have taken before it computed in my brain, 'there's a fucking bleep in front of me!'" Bleep was obviously code for something. 

Malcolm nodded, "I remember thinking, 'this will be the death of us all.'"

They continued speaking like I had never existed. 

"Hey, guys." I interjected.

She frowned at me, "Yes?"

Her eyes were really distracting and making me nervous, "Oh, um, I just, I would like to join the conversation."

There goes my luck, the bell rang. Annabeth had all the same classes as Malcolm. I had no classes with Malcolm, which I used to think of as a blessing, but now...


The next day, Malcolm was absent. Annabeth was innocently standing at her locker looking at something when I came up behind her. 


Obviously she was not expecting me because she flinched and dropped what she was staring at. 

An image of a 12 year old boy fluttered to the ground. He had a confused look on his face, in an orange shirt in jeans. He had black hair, and green eyes. He had a couple splashes of acne here and there, and was kinda tan. Although, he wasn't all that attractive.

I picked it up before she did. 

"Give it back." She told me.

"Why?" I asked.

"It's mine, and you just took it."

"No, why would you want it?"

"Because that's my boyfriend who is in Manhattan."

Huh. We were in California.

"Hate to break it to ya darling, but he looks a bit young for ya."

She glared, "it's from when we were 12."

I sighed and handed it back. 

The bell rang and Annabeth walked to her next class. She had dropped her phone.

I picked it up. It didn't have a passcode.

I was welcomed by a text conversation between Annabeth and Malcolm.

Malcolm: ya, I'm going to camp. I'll go to the school Percy goes to.

Annabeth: why?

Malcolm: the ppl here r bitches and u know it

Annabeth: ...

Annabeth: can I come?

Malcolm: don't see y not

She was going to Manhattan!?

I placed her phone in the lost and found and ditched school. 

I never saw Annabeth again.

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