Lorelai Spirit

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Dedicated to BiancaHunter193 for suggesting this! Sorry if it's not how you imagined it!

(I may say some offensive things in this! Don't take them personally! I am not being homophobic, I am just writing what the character is doing!)

I couldn't help but notice Nico and Will making out in the corner. They were cute together, and yet, something possessed me to walk over to them and say, "If you're gonna be gross do it somewhere else."

"Fuck off!" Nico called out. 

I wanted to walk away, to leave them alone, but I couldn't, "You-- you filthy gays! Go take your filth somewhere else!" I screeched. 

"Go away!" Nico shouted again.

It felt like I had regained control of myself and I rushed away before I said something else I would regret. 

I was so overwhelmed by emotions. A coat closet caught my eye. I scrambled in and sobbed. Why did I have to be this way? 

I cried for about ten minutes before I heard something outside the door. Before I could react, the door swung open to reveal Nico and Will standing there.

"What-- Why are you crying, Lorelai?" Will asked in a kind tone.

"Go away!" I shouted, burying my face in my hands. 

Will knelt down and gently moved my hands away to reveal my pink and puffy eyes, "What do you want?" I sniffed.

"We just want to know what's wrong."

"I-- I hate myself! For-- for being lesbian and-- and I-- I take it out on you guys because you're gay and-- I-- I just know my crush will never like me and-- and-- and-- and-- and--" I was sobbing so much I started hiccuping. 

"Shhhhhh, it's okay. There's nothing wrong with being lesbian, and I'm sure whoever your crush is likes you back."

It was difficult to continue to hate myself with them encouraging me.


"H-- hey, Lucy!" I called out in a weird "quick, act natural position!" 

"Oh, hey Lorelai." Lucy replied casually, eating an apple. 

I blushed, "I-- I, um, just wanted to, um, tell you, that I-- I like you. Like, like-like you."

The apple literally fell out of her hand. I flinched, waiting for her to tell me she didn't like me back, when a roar echoed throughout the school grounds. 

Both of our heads whipped around to see a half bull half human with an ax charging at us.

We both screamed, (hey you would too if you could smell it) and ran. 

Suddenly, a boy with sea green eyes appeared out of literally nothing. 

"Hey," he said, out of breath giving us a nod. "Long story short: you're half god. Monsters are gonna try to kill you. You're safe at a camp. I need to take you there."

We went along with it. I dunno why, because he could legitimately be kidnapping us. But we did. 

The ride in an old blue Prius was deafening. My hopes of Lucy liking me back were sinking.

When we finally got to wherever, it was a little crazy. As soon as I stepped in, a foggy image appeared above my head, and a vine over Lucy's. 

Lucy looked over at me, "And, um, yeah, I like you, too."

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