Kendall Wackmonskersonsiriorsonstron

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(In case you were wondering the last name is very original. Also, the first guy in 6 chapters!)

Featuring: Hazel, Frank

I was like the gossip guy of the school. Information just kinda flows through to me. It might be because I'm super attractive or popular. With my chocolate brown hair and gorgeous brown eyes I was irresistible.

 With my chocolate brown hair and gorgeous brown eyes I was irresistible

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I was walking through school when I saw a new girl. How I hadn't known about her til now, I don't know. 

But she was almost as irresistible as me. She had a smooth, dark brown complexion, with even darker brown (almost black) hair. She was beautiful. But that wasn't all. It was her eyes. A beautiful pure gold color that looked like the sun was playing hide and seek behind them. 

She bumped into my shoulder. 

"Sorry." She muttered. I frowned but let it slide because she was hot as fuck. 

In our Latin class (??? I don't know if some high schools have this or not.) The hottie sat in front of me so I could admire her from behind, if you know what I mean. 

Then we were paired together. The teacher, Ms. Ramirez said that we were to come up with a conversation in Latin to say to the class. 

I was amazing (*cough, cough* it's amazhang) in this class so I was sure to impress her.

"What do you want to talk about?" She asked me.

I shrugged, "Umm, how about where we originate from?"

She smiled and nodded.

When it was our turn I confidently walked up to the front of the class with her. 

"My mother was from New Orleans, Louisiana, where I was raised and that's also where she met my dad, who was born underground for some reason." She stated fluently.

I smiled, "My mom's a supermodel in California, and my dad's super rich."

Ms. Ramirez smiled, "Very good. What was your topic?" Idiot. If she understood Latin then she would have known.

"We were doing where we were from." Hazel said simply.

Ms. Ramirez then said, "Hazel will be getting an A+ and Kendall will be receiving a C-."

For a split second, I thought, so her name's Hazel. But then I realized, "Why don't I get an A?"

Ms. Ramirez frowned at me, "You failed to stay on topic due to your ego. Had you not been bragging about your parents occupations and instead told us where they were from and where you were from, you would have gotten an A like Hazel. The moral of the story is, Hazel's a good example of what to be like."

Hazel hid behind her hair and muttered something like, "Reyna, stop." but she was blushing and it was insanely cute, but even that didn't help my rage. I stormed out of the room, and as I slammed the door I heard Ms. Ramirez say, "Frank Zhang and Lily Ustio, your turn."

Suddenly, I realized I was skipping class. I grinned, girls liked bad boys. I ripped my shirt off just because, and then stuffed it in my bag. If anyone asked, (which I doubt they would cause I have a 6 pack) I could just say some insane girl tore it off and tried to kiss me. Wouldn't be the first time. 

I wandered around school, getting bored, when I saw a group of girls. They were skipping class, too. They were far enough apart and on their phones so they wouldn't notice what was happening to the other. I tapped on one girl's shoulder, she had silky black hair and grey eyes. She would make a nice 84th girlfriend. She looked surprised when she saw me. Her eyes scanned my frame and face and she must have decided I was worthy of her time. 

"Yes?" she asked. I do really stupid things when I'm bored. I brushed the hair out of her eyes leaned forward and kissed her. Now, it could be dangerous doing this with someone you've known for .7 seconds. You could get punched in the gut or confronted by a boyfriend. But no. My hands got lost in her long black hair, and she had one hand clutching my chest and the other one in my hair. I didn't mind though, I look great when my hair is messy. When we finally pulled apart she had a dreamy smile on her face and reached into my pocket, took my phone and put her number in it. She then walked away. I waited for her to get a considerable distance away before wiping the lipstick off my mouth and walked up to the girl with short, curly, red hair and brown eyes and did the same thing.

At lunch, I pretended to not notice everyone looking at my shirtless figure and waved Hazel over to the popular table. She instead chose to sit at a table with only one guy. I think it was that dorky Frank guy, but I don't know.

He looked like this:

She smiled and chatted with him

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She smiled and chatted with him. I growled under my breath. How dare he steal my would be 86th girlfriend!


The next day I broke up with the girl that had short, curly, red hair. She ran away from me crying. Don't know why, we had only been dating for a day but whatev. 

I heard word that Hazel had a boyfriend with brown hair and brown eyes. How cute! She already thought we were dating. That would make this much easier.


I confronted her after school.

"Hey, baby." I said while leaning up against a pillar at the entrance of the school with my arms crossed in a way that made my muscles bulge.

"It's Hazel." she corrected my quietly.

I bit my lip to turn her on. "I was thinking I could drive you home, if you want."

"Thanks but I'm going with my boyfriend."

I slowly started stepping towards her, and she was stepping backwards. Her back hit the wall.

"Oh?" I asked.

She nodded, "He should be here any second."

I pinned her to the wall and kissed her, it was the best kiss ever. Her kiss was like a sweet memory that you smiled when you thought of it felt like it lasted for eternity when actually it lasted 2.3333349810 seconds before the dork, Frank threw me off her.

I groaned when I hit the ground, "What the hell?!"

"You don't just get to kiss other people's girlfriends!" he shouted, angry.

And then I realized. Brown hair. Check. Brown eyes. Check. That dork was Hazel's boyfriend. I scoffed. Frank didn't deserve her. I was about to say something about it when I felt I sharp pain in my head. 


The next day I woke up with a sapphire in my hand.

I died the next day after that.

That chapter was probably too long being 1158 words long and all.

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