Avanelle Shackleford

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This fan art of Percy describes him perfectly 👌. Yes, I did just finish reading The Man Who Loved Clowns. 1.2K!!!!!!

I frowned as my friend, Mila approached me.

"Guess what, guess what, guess what!!!!!" She sing-songed happily.

I sighed, "What?"

She giggled behind her hand, "Guess!"

I bit my lip in thought, "Okay, umm, you saw a chipmunk and a squirrel mating?"

She pouted, "No."

"Uhhh, Percy Jackson and you got together?" I hoped this hadn't happened. We were both chasing the perfect Perseus.

She laughed, "Gurl, I wish. Meredith said that Percy had asked her to have--" She lowered her voice. "Netflix and Chill last night. But she declined."

I laughed, "Suuuurrrreeee, girl, we both know that she pulls everyone's leg all the time."

She nodded, "Yeah, but, what if this one's true?"

"Girl, it won't be."

Meredith was awful. She was naturally gorgeous. Her hair was a long, wavy, sleeky black. That was smart. Most of the fakes in this fanfic were bleach blondes. (psst 4th wall pssst).

All of the guys liked her seeing as she was the most popular. She was the most popular seeing as she was the best liar.

Her deep blue eyes landed on me from across the hall like she could sense me badmouthing her. 

She strutted over to me and-- 

didn't stop?

Her gaze stayed stubbornly forward and just as she was passing me she face-planted. Her hands splayed out in front of her like she had tried to catch herself at the last second, but failed. 

She started what me and Mila called pretty-crying. 

She sobbed about how I had pushed her and now she had sprained her wrist.

Her friends got the principal.

Ms. Xeriscape was going on and on about how they don't tolerate bullying in this school. I interrupted and told her that I hadn't and with enough protesting from Mila too, she decided she would check the cameras.

They showed me not pushing her.

Ms. Xeriscape agreed it wasn't my fault, but sent Meredith home due to her wrists.

She came back the next day with her wrist wrapped up. Obviously fake.

But the guys didn't know that. Plenty had get well soon things like chocolate and flowers.

She accepted them. 

Many boys told her every day how much they loved her and cared about her especially the over-confident jocks.

She kissed them every time they said that they loved her. So most guys just told her to get a kiss. Her kisses took FOREVER. I would walk pass her in the hall and she was taking a good 20min to kiss a jock. 

Percy had told her that he hoped she got better and then handed her a wave sculpture made of glass. "I made it." He quickly explained.

Meredith smiled lovingly and accepted the gift before leaning forward to kiss Percy, but he had already went to his next class.

I grit my teeth. That bitch WAS trying to steal Percy!


I was confused wondering through the halls. Why was everyone laughing and avoiding me?

Then I saw it. A packet. I picked it up.


1st: Percy Jackson 

2nd: Meredith Golden

The list went on and on and on. I scanned through it waiting for my name until I got to the last page. At the very bottom.

626th: Avanelle Shackledork

How dare she! Just doing that to embarrass me! 

Oh, I would get her. I would get her good.

I messed with the panels on the water fountain. 

Meredith approached and bent forward to take a sip and was immediately doused in water from her head to her toes. I must've gotten the aim just right. 

Because how else would that have worked?

Then out of the corner of my eye I saw Percy! He had seen the entire thing! 

I winced, waiting for him to call me out on it or tell the principal. But he simply walked away, whistling. 

I felt relieved and couldn't help but smile. 

Meredith's eyes narrowed at the sight of me.

She knew.


I was watching her closely. I knew she was going to do something.

I saw her walk over to her locker which happened to be next to mine, which happened to be where I was. She smiled at me.

I smiled back, nervously. 

She had a bright orange liquid in a translucent bottle. There was a lot of it. 

I frowned, why would she have that? 

She stuffs her bag into her locker (which was full of shirtless pictures of Percy? ? ?) and (I was very short) dumped her bright orange liquid on me! My hair, my skin, my clothes were all Immediately stained!

Percy came running up to me with paper towels and glared at Meredith. He was soooooo sweet!

"That was not cool, Meredith." He said glaring. Meredith slowly stepped away. His glare was SCARY.

I was thankful for Percy helping me, but the bell was about to ring and I did not want the entire school seeing me like this! 

I whispered thank you to Percy and ran to an alley right outside the school.

I soon heard a pounding of feet on the ground and knew that Percy had followed me. 

"Hey," he said, "here, I'll help."

I trusted him and let him. He was combing the loud orange out of my normally bland orange hair with his fingers. He then gently scrubbed the orange off my face with the paper towels. 

"And then...just act like you're trying to make a fashion statement." I nodded. 

"Thank you."


The next day I saw a large poster on the wall (y'all guess what it says)

Due to Perseus Jackson's father (who has enough influence to shut this school down) who Percy has requested to tell us that he wants Meredith Golden expelled from this school ASAP. Why? We aren't sure. Meredith was expelled, but we told him that we would have to expel Percy, too, to make it fair. So Meredith and Percy will not be seen on school grounds again.

Have a nice day!

I scowled. Percy was a good person. But I was so angry and frustrated and somehow, remained calm. I walked away from the poster muttering, "A soul for a soul."

And scene! Thank you guys for reading this, but please start commenting more often!

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