Ms. Werture

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I was blowing kisses and winking at the teacher across the room. (GUESS WHO IT IS)

I sighed, he was so dreamy. I know, I know, 'aren't you a little old to be having such naive thoughts?' 

Well, yes. But it was his fault for being so attractive, and having that lovely personality.

Chiron Brunner was my co-worker. I being the History teacher and him the Latin teacher. 

He looked a bit disturbed by me, but ignored me. Isn't he just so adorable?

I finally approached him, "Hey, Chiron. Would you like to come over for dinner?"

"I'm afraid I'm quite busy after school." He turned me down. 

"Before school?" I questioned.

"I'm busy nearly all of the time, Ms. Werture." 

"Oh. Well, I'm sure we could arrange something."

His smile was strained, "Our relationship is merely professional."

I suddenly realized he was rejecting me. My lips thinned into a straight line, "I understand."

I quit my job.

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