Rosemary Harrupi

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I loved Nico. I deserved him. He was perfect. 

We were friends. Soon to be more if you ask me. 

We were sitting on the docks at Long Island Sound. The wind was blowing through his hair. It took a large amount of will power not to stare at him. 

"What do you dream about?" I questioned.

He frowned at me, "That's a personal question."

I searched my brain for excuses, "I make dreams come true."

"I don't remember most of my dreams, and I wouldn't want to live throughout the ones I do."

I shook my head, "You don't understand. If your life could be anything you ever dreamed of, where would you be? What would you be doing?" 

"What's it gonna cost me to tell you that?"

I punched him lightly in the arm, "Oh, just answer me."

He squinted at the sky, "I suppose I'd be at camp, with— with Will."


"My— my crush. I— I guess, I mean, he probably doesn't like me back but—"

I interrupted him. Sure, he had just unknowingly rejected me, but I was willing to look past that, if only to help him get this crush of his.

I slapped him on the back, "Well?"

He scowled, "Well, what?"

"What are you doing here? Go get him, tiger!"

He scrambled to his feet at the invitation and ran to a pine tree or something. I smiled to myself.

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