Peter Johnson

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I was so  sure that once I arrived at camp, I would immediately establish dominance. I mean, I'm a son of Nemesis. Fight me. I dare you. But, no. No one cares. At least, not much. Campers will see me pass and start snickering and whispering. 

I was so confused. So, I threatened to cut a little kids arm off if he didn't tell me why everyone was laughing.

He told me because of a Percy Jackson. Percy Jackson? That's what Mr. D always calls me.

"Who's Percy Jackson?" I asked.

"He's— He's— he won the wars for us. He— he saved all our lives, everyone on the planets lives." And before I could interrogate him more. He burst into tears and ran. Why do little kids get so upset when you threaten to cut their limbs off?

Obviously, this Percy Jackson guy was important, with quite the reputation. I would have to bump mine up by getting an awesome girlfriend. She was a total fake. But not many knew it, and I would pretend I didn't. I was really hot, I guess. I mean, I prefer not to obsess over the fact, but I am. So, I suppose she might be my girlfriend for my looks if nothing else.

I knocked on the door of the Aphrodite cabin. A girl named Lacey opened it, "Can I help you?"

"Oh, um, yeah, I was just wondering if I could see Drew?"

She giggled happily and nodded. She closed the door. 3 seconds later Drew opened in it. She was looking fabulously fake.

I smiled, looking at the ground.

She giggled.

"S— sorry," I stuttered, "I'm kinda shy." This was not true, but I hoped she would find it ok.

She smiled, "No, you're cute when you do that."

I blushed and my smile grew as I refused to meet her eyes.

"Well?" She asked after a couple of seconds.

I finally met her eyes, "Well what?" 

"Why did you need me out here, silly?"

I blushed in embarrassment, "Oh. Well, I guess, I mean, well, I wanted to know if you maybe might wanna be maybe my girlfriend?"

She nodded, and kissed me. I accepted the kiss. When I slightly squinted, I saw her eyes were wide open, and she was staring at me. Weird...


I asked around and found out that Percy was awesome to everyone here but me. Apparently, he was at his mom's house, taking care of his little sister. He was supposed to be back tomorrow. 

A pretty girlfriend wouldn't do. I broke up with her. She didn't seem to care. The nerve of her!

I trained nonstop. I helped the little kids. I taught archery. 

No one laughed when I passed them anymore. They smiled.


Where was he? He was supposed to be here by now. It was noon.

Suddenly, there was a loud flapping of wings above me. I squinted, it was a Pegasus. On top of it was someone that looked exactly how everyone had described Percy Jackson. 

He gave a smirk and landed. 

"Hey guys!" He exclaimed.

I forced a smile.

He didn't acknowledge me. Fair enough, he didn't know me after all. 


I was angry, I realized. After all, I was a son of Nemesis, so I suppose it come naturally.

What was I going to do about it?

I could prank him. I was especially good at that. Maybe I should go around wearing a name tag: 

Son of Nemesis. Basically good at everything because of that.

I could play a "harmless prank" on him, couldn't I?

But what?


He was in the Poseidon cabin, wasn't he?

He loved the color blue...

His cabin was blue...

Wouldn't he just HATE it if someone changed that???

I waited til the time that he usually spent at the beach came up. He usually spent about 3 hours there.

I snuck in there with pink paint. And not the pretty bubblegum pink. It was a loud pink that hurt your eyes to look at. 

I finally finished, and snuck out.


"STOLLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Percy's voice rumbled through out the camp. 

Wow, they must have done something stupid.

There was a moment of silence. Someone whispered that Percy was watching the security cameras in his cabin. 

S E C U R I T Y   C A M E R A S ! ! !

Since when!?

Oh no...

"PETER JOHNSON!!!!!!!!!" I hid my face behind my lunch. 

He raced over here, grabbed me by the arm, and dragged me to his now pink cabin. The fumes from the not-yet-dried-paint were very strong. Thankfully, we were demigods, so it shouldn't effect us.

"Explain." He said gesturing to his cabin.

I stared at him, then the cabin with a bored face, "I was bored." I lied. I could've done a bajillion other things. 

His face was in his hands, and I saw he was truly upset. Dam, people really overreact about colors.

"My dad painted this cabin." He told me. "Not only is this vandalism, it's disgracing a god. You could get kicked out for that."

I squirmed uncomfortably, "You won't tell anyone, will you?" 

He sighed, "It doesn't matter, you'll still get kicked out of camp."

He was right.

About an hour later, Mr. D came up to me and told me to start packing.

Maybe I can go to the Roman camp.

Oh, they have a Jason Grace?

Not for long.

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