Marissa Undelows

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And we're back to girls. Sorry not sorry.

Featuring: Travis, Katie, Conner

You know that one person that is great but you just absolutely hate everything about them? Yeah, me too. 

I've been told I'm too judgmental. I'm not. I interpret others personalities. So, yeah, when this Travis Stoll came with his perfect mischievous smile, and sparkling eyes, and pointy chin and elfy ears, it was so obvious he was a player. My friend Em-Em (it was short for Emmie which was short for Emerson) so obviously liked him that I had to warn her.

"Don't." I said to her.

"Don't what?" She asked me while staring at Travis.

"Don't go chasing a boy that's only gonna break your heart."

She dragged out a long heavy sigh, "You can't just guess what people are like before even talking to them. It's rude."

I knew I wasn't gonna win this fight, "Don't say I didn't warn you." I cautioned.

Em-Em was beautiful, with her golden hair and captivating deep blue eyes, no guy would dream of turning her down. And that's exactly why she was so naive.


I was not stalking. I was simply thoroughly observing. There's a difference. 

Em-Em was asking out Travis. I knew what was gonna happen. He was gonna say yes, they'd go out for two to three months (maybe sooner) and then he would break her poor naive heart. 

Em-Em twirled a lock of hair round and round her finger. 

She bit her lip, "Hey, Travis, I know that we don't really know each other but I was wondering if maybe you'd want to- I- I mean- I don't know, go out with me?" 

"Oh." Travis said. "Oh. I'm really sorry. . .but I have a girlfriend . . ."

"Emerson." Em-Em said, holding back a sob. 

"Emerson, I really am sorry, and- and you seem like a great person and I'm sure any guy would be lucky to have you but. . ." He trailed off.

"I understand." Em-Em said in barely a whisper. She then ran to the girls bathroom. I rushed to her. 

Her sobs were loud and heartbreaking. This was how he was going to break her heart. Get her obsessed with him then reject her with a stupid excuse.

"I told you so."

She let out a cold laugh without humor, "You're the one that's supposed to get rejected. It feels weird now that I'm the one that was. But it hurts too. It hurts so fucking much."

I nodded. (Why am I depressing myself?)

It was usually me that was rejected. I had short blonde hair and dull green eyes, my eyes too close together, my nose to big, my front teeth to small. I was an absolute mess. She was perfect. Em-Em was the one that was supposed to be successful in everything and I was the one who cheers her on. But she failed this time. Our system was failing. Her self esteem was failing. Nothing was right. All because of that self centered bitch Travis Stoll. I wanted to take a knife and shove it into his chest. 

I bet his girlfriend wasn't real. I bet she was an excuse to make girls fall apart.

"I think..." I started. Em-Em lifted her head. "I think, maybe, his girlfriend isn't real." 

"And if we can prove she isn't..." as usual we shared the same braincell.

This time we spoke in sync, "Then he'll have no reason to turn you down."

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