Alice Wanger

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When I was in 7th grade, I remembered dating this little runt of a boy out of pity. Well, not really. It was more of a dare. Date him for a week then break up. It was actually kind of fun, breaking his heart. We would kiss, he wasn't have bad either, and I would know that at the end of it all, he'd be missing me like hell.

Perhaps that was harsh. But it was a dare. A triple dog dare to be exact. Everyone knows you can't turn those down.

When I broke up with him, his heart didn't shatter to a million pieces like I had expected. He just said 'kk' and that was that.

He didn't come back to school in a wreck. No bags under his eyes. No tear streaks. Nothing. You know, that's enough to  make any other girl feel...average!

I had settled on ignoring him for the rest of that year, which was simple when he got expelled.

Here I was in High School, a newbie. I would work my way to the top soon enough, but right now I was going to be shown around. 

A really cute boy walked in. Black hair, sea green eyes, tan. Not bad, not bad at all.

He would definitely be mine. Couldn't be hard. 

He smiled, a sparkly grin, "Hey, I'm Percy, I'm supposed to be showing you around."

I smiled sweetly, "Alice. Alice Wanger."

Something flashed in his eyes but his smiled stayed the same. Must be nothing. 

He showed me around but I wasn't really paying attention.

My eyes were scanning his biceps. 

Just then the bell rang, he cursed under his breath, "Hey, um, I'm gonna be late for Science."

Then he left. No bye. Or "it was really nice meeting you." He just left. Wow. Rude. But in a hot way.

 I immediately took this as my chance to take over the school. They were all in the palm of my hand in less then a week. ...that is, except for Percy.

He was unpredictable and uncontrollable. So wild. I liked it. 

Today in class, he raised his hand and asked the stupidest thing ever, "How do you spell, 'walrus,'?" Yet, it was so cute!

I stood beside his locker after class as he was switching books. 

"Hey, Percy, I was wondering if you would like to go to Andrew's Anchovies after school. I hear they have great pizza."

"Oh. Well, you see, I have a girlfriend and, I try to stay away from eating sea creatures and such."

I nodded like I wasn't plotting to kill his girlfriend and walked away.

After school, I approached him again. He was talking to a gorgeous blonde girl next to a grey Jeep. 

"Hey, Percy, I was wondering about Ingrid's Ice Cream later?"

He frowned, "I told you, I have a girlfriend."

"Oh?" I said, cluelessly. "I don't see her around here."

"Ms. Girlfriend is right here, Missy." Blondie said.

Huh. Well that ugly girl can go to hell for all I care.

"You're his girlfriend?"

"Gotta problem with that?" She snapped.

"Uh, ya. I do."

"Well, too bad."

I frowned, thinking hard, "I challenge you to hand-to-hand combat or whatever. Winner gets Percy."

Percy frowned but didn't interject. Blondie shook my hand. "Deal."

It lasted .009 seconds. All I knew was, one second I was ready to fight, the next, I was on my back.

I groaned, and looked up. Blondie (or boo die according to autocorrect) was wearing a triumphant smirk. 

I growled under my breath. No. She. Did. Not. I whipped a chainsaw out of nowhere and turned it on. I was about to chop them up when I heard a car start. They were in the grey Jeep and driving away. I missed my chance.

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