Dawn Sevilier

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If your wondering why a lot of these are about girls it's cause I am a girl so I'm leaning more towards the ladies. Sorry if that bothers you. Put something about it in the comments if it's an issue and I'll try to switch it up more

Featuring: Piper, Jason

I grew up with four sisters. They were all demons and showed it. They were snobs. They wore way too much makeup. Had way too many boyfriends. And they didn't care how they got them. They went over to their boyfriends house and got way too up close and personal. Mom loved them. She thought that they were blessings sent down from heaven, when really, it took them nine months to crawl out of hell.

I frowned at my reflection. I had dull brown hair and grey eyes. (Gray or grey?)

My sisters picked on me, resulting on me having low self esteem.

I hopped into the cramped car my wavy hair a mess from the insane winds.

Mom, Missy, Mandy, Mary, and Melody were waiting for me. Their names all started with M's making me stick out even more so as a sore thumb. I heard Missy snort and lean forward from the back, back seat to Melody sitting next to me in the middle row. I saw the picture she was showing her. She had photoshopped me with slits for eyes, horns, fangs, a hectic haircut and claws instead of nails.

Melody smiled and whispered, "Send that to me." 

"Y'know, Dawn."  Mary spoke up, "We were all about your age when we changed into the awesome people we are today." I scoffed and zoned everyone out for the entire car ride. I swear I will never ever be like them. Ever.

I practically jumped out of the car when we got to school, eager to put some distance between me and my sisters. 

I saw a new girl. She was beautiful. With long, straight, brown hair like cinnamon. Her kaleidoscope eyes flashed a new color every time she blinked. Her features were delicate and gorgeous. I was faintly curious about her.


At lunch she looked around and plopped down next to me. I was surprised.

"Hi, I'm Piper."

"Dawn." I croaked through the surprise.

"Let's be friends." She decided.


We had talked all throughout lunch. Apparently she also had awful sisters. 


Throughout the day many guys flirted and asked her out. All of which she declined. Apparently she had a boyfriend. 


It was so obvious her boyfriend wasn't real after a month. I mean, please 🙄, I'd like to think that I'm not that stupid. She talks about him like he's a literal god. With perfect blond hair and sharp, crystal blue eyes, an amazing tan, and strong facial structure. I mean, honestly. 

I sighed and stepped inside the school.


At lunch, Piper seemed excited. 

"Why you so happy, Pipes?" 

She beamed at me, "My boyfriend's coming  to school!" 

"Actually, he's already here." A male voice said. Piper turned and standing above her was a man exactly like she had described. He had a cute little scar on his lip. She popped up and kissed him her lips covering his perfect little scar—

I felt like it would be so much better if I was his girlfriend.


That night I lied awake, unable to sleep. I couldn't get Jason out of my head.

I picked up my phone and started photoshopping. Last year there had been this really hot boy Mike, who needed money. He had opened a kissing booth. I edited his face to Pipers, got rid of the booth, and made it seem like it was a random boy she was kissing.


I timed it perfectly. I decided to "confront" Piper at the same time Jason walked in the room.

I took a deep breath as the door opened and I saw Jason step in.

"Look, Piper, I tried, really, but I can't let you do this anymore."

She looked at me confused, "Do what?"

"Cheat on Jason."

"Oh?" Jason asked. "And what proof?"

I picked up my phone and showed him the photo. 

"That is so obviously photoshopped. And besides, Pipes would never cheat on me."

Pipers eyes fixated on me, "Look, Dawn, being your friend seemed like a great idea a couple months ago, but right now..." she trailed off, but I knew what she meant. I would've argued, but I couldn't some invisible force made me agree with her.

So maybe I did end up like my sisters.

Except way awesomer.

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