Harley Snarley

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Gah! First No Mist Chapter! I'm Nervous! And no, I did not put much effort into the name.

Featuring: Piper, and briefly Jason and Aphrodite

So, yeah, apparently the gods were real and important and BLAH BLAH BLAH.

I don't care.

I just told everyone I was a son of Zeus and moved on with my life. Anyway, I'm showing this really hot chick, Piper McLean around. She's also rich so that doesn't hurt either. 

"—Yeah, and this is the cafeteria and have I mentioned I'm the son of Zeus? Huh, must not have. Well, I am. It's awesome."

She frowned, "Yeah, okay."

"So, you wanna go out?"

"I have a boyfriend."


Word got round that Piper's boyfriend had blond hair and blue eyes. Well, I have green eyes but it's like the same. I'm blond too. How sweet, she thought we were dating. So naive and precious. I loved her already. 

After biology I walked up her, she was tall so I didn't have to lean down. I had my buddies hold her hands behind her back just in case I wasn't her boyfriend after all. I brushed her hair behind her ear and kissed her. Her lips tasted like Coca Cola Cherry. It sweet and gentle and lasted for about 1.8765986 seconds. She kicked me in the crotch and when I pulled away in pain she screeched at the guys to stop restraining her hands and as though possessed, they complied.


After school I saw some random guy with glasses kissing Piper. He had blue eyes and blond hair and my mind pieced together what was happening. 

I was about to storm up there and rant about how she didn't need him when I blacked out. I dreamt of a beautiful woman lounging on a giant clam. 

"You don't mess with my daughter's relationship and get away with it."

I never woke up.

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