Stacy Hella

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I sighed dreamily. Percy Jackson was the lifeguard. We came to the pool every day the pool was open just to see him. His perfect tan glinted in the bright lighting. His sea green eyes were so bright that I could see them clearly even from way down here. And Oh. My. Lord. His hair! I just wanted to run my fingers through it!

My friends gathered around me. We all stared at him.

I couldn't take it.

It was too much.

It was his fault when you think about it. 

But that's not the point.

My friends shot me confused glances as I abruptly got out of the water. I headed towards the diving board and jumped. 

I landed with a huge splash. It was always relaxing and quiet underwater. I closed my eyes and didn't attempt to swim back to the surface. 

Percy would save me. Wouldn't he? Yes.

Just then, a disturbance in the water. I resumed my 'totally passed out' act.

He scooped me up and carried me back to the surface. I felt safe in his arms. I held my breath as he felt for my pulse, I saw something once about holding your breath slowing your blood flow or something. 

"She's alive, just hardly breathing." I heard Percy's amazing voice tell my worried friends.

He started performing mouth-to-mouth. I had to keep myself from smiling. His lips were soft and gentle. I waited for the right second to open my eyes just long enough to wink at my friends before resuming in closing them.

They would know what I was doing. After all, we loved the Sandlot.

I waited for the perfect moment, before grabbing Percy's neck and full on kissing him. He didn't expect it, so it lasted a bit longer than if he was prepared. It lasted for about 7 seconds. It was my first kiss and the sweetest kiss in the world.

Eventually, he did shove me off him and me and my friends got kicked out of the pool.

But every once in a while we'd walk past the pool, and Percy would be sitting in his Lifeguard chair. He would make eye contact with us and wink and smile.

It was comforting to know that the world's hottest guy didn't hate me.

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