Millie Sornado

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It was just a normal day. I was sashaying along the street, the wind blowing my bleach blonde hair all around. My eyes (in blue contacts) were glancing nervously at the sky. It looked like a storm was coming. I should probably get home as soon as I can to make up some sob story to tell my friends to make me seem cool/brave/pretty/smart/lucky to be alive.

It happened before I could react.

I was daydreaming about the sob story and not paying attention when the roaring winds became too much to ignore. I glanced around. Unusual but not concerning-

And suddenly I was being pulled backwards. What?

I managed to glance behind me. 


It was raging towards me. It's winds ruthless.

I was close.

So close.

So so so so so close that part of me wondered why I wasn't dead yet.

Then I was zipped in the other direction. I slammed onto the ground. A fleeting panic settled within me for a moment until I became distracted by what was in front of me. 

Before my eyes, the winds calmed down. It slowly shrank, became less cloudy. Soon, I caught bits and pieces of a person. 

Beautiful blue eyes. Fine blond hair. 

Eventually, the tornado was gone. And standing in its place was a boy. I wanted to get lost in his crystal eyes. His hair so blond and neat that I had to resist the urge to mess it up and put my fingers through it. 

Then it hit me like a brick. He had just saved my life!

I squealed, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!"

He glanced at me and I realized he was looking around. There was a LOT of wreckage. OMG this was so romantic!

"Oh, um, yeah, I guess. You're welcome?"

I decided to try to get him to like me.

I took a tentative step forward as though I was shy, "You— you saved my life." I looked up at him in awe. "I— I could never repay you." This would be the part where he goes, 'you could repay me with a kiss?'

But no.

He blinked, "Oh. Well, I'm not sure about never. I mean, you don't even have to pay me back."

I took another step closer, now our faces were about a foot apart, "Oh? I'm not quite so sure about that."

He scratched the back of his neck, "No, really, it's okay." 

I took a baby step forward, so close now that our lips were nearly touching.

"Get away from my boyfriend." A female voice stated. I whirled around (accidentally giving cutie a face full of hair).

"Who" She was pretty, I guess.

"The girlfriend of superman over there that you're flirting with."

I gasped.


Is it true???

"Pfft, yeah right."

She marched right on up there and kissed him, "Now leave him be."

I frowned.

Why don't I ever get the guy!?

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