Marissa Undelows Part 2

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If his girlfriend's made up, everything else could be, too.

Now, I'm pretty sure that Travis likes Em-Em.

So, now we just have to prove his fake girlfriend is...well...fake.

I approached Travis after art. 

"Hey, um, Travis, right?"

"Yeah, you?"

"I'm Marissa. I, um, I heard you had a girlfriend and I was just wondering about her."

"Oh, sure." He said. I took out a notepad in a totally non-weird way.

"What do you wanna know?"

"What's she look like?"

"She has the most beautiful brown hair, and gorgeous grass green eyes."

I scowled and scribbled it down, "Any interests?"

"She likes gardening and cereal, like her mom kinda."

"What's her name?"

"Katie Gardner."

I rolled my eyes at the obviously made up name, "Where'd you meet?" 

"A summer camp." 

"What do you like to do with each other?"

"Oh, um, I like to prank her and make her laugh, but we normally go on walks through the woods together."

That must be a shitty date.


"Well, she's a girl, so she's complicated, but she's nice a lot of the time, except when someone messes with her flowers. She will attack you with her flower pruning sheary thingy."

"Huh. Well, she seems fun. Bye."

If Travis found the conversation weird he didn't say anything about it.


In math, Travis' phone started ringing. Mr. Irvin looked at him sharply.

We all knew the rules.

"The one time I don't put it on silent, it rings. Typical." He pressed the green button.

"Hello? I'm in math. Whatchya need?"

"Travis? It's Katie, your idiot brother, Connor blew up your car."

You know, if that happened to me, I would have gotten mad. So incredibly mad that steam would come out of my ears. 

But Travis laughed, "No way. Put him on the phone." There was a lot of shuffling and crashes.

"Hey-ey." A nervous voice almost identical to Travis' sing songed. 

"Let me get this straight. You skipped class just to come to my school to blow up my car?"

"Um, yeah."

"Well, dam, Connor, if I had known you missed me that much I would've done something about it." 

"You're... not mad?"

"How could I be? Only thing I gotta do now is get a new car and find a way to get home."

There was more crashes and shuffling and now shouting.

Then the girls voice came back on, "Don't worry, I'm coming to pick you up, but so are my roses."

"Wha- Why your roses?"

"Well, they've been looking sad lately so I want them to know they have me for emotional support."

"You did not just say that." 

"If you don't shut up my shears will find a way down your throat."

"I love you too. See you later."

 "Love you, see ya." He pressed the little red button. 

Just then the bell rang. 


I scowled as I waited outside the school for Travis' girlfriend to show up. Then a big truck rolled up. With roses in the back. A girl hopped out. Just as Travis had described. And she was gorgeous. Exactly as he had described.

He ran forward and kissed her. I stumbled backward. No. No. No. She can't be real. Our entire plan was betting on the fact that she wasn't real.

And when they drove away, we never saw Travis again.

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