Amy Mackerel

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Featuring: Nico and briefly Leo and Will

I applied my 45th layer of lip gloss making sure all my makeup was perfect. My fake eyelashes were like 30 feet long and my eyebrows had just been trimmed again and redrawn on, so that they were bright pink like a freshly plucked chicken. But I had put enough foundation around it to cover it up. I had crimped my long bleach blonde hair that went down to my waist. I smirked in the mirror my bright blue contacts made my eyes sparkle. I had had them specially made so that they had a brokeness to them. It made guys fall over their feet for me. 

I triple checked and then -- deciding it would do -- headed to school. I was wearing a shirt with a really low neckline forcing guys to look at my boobs.

 I was wearing a shirt with a really low neckline forcing guys to look at my boobs

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I also wore short short jean shorts so my ass looked like it was about to fall out

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I also wore short short jean shorts so my ass looked like it was about to fall out.

I walked into school smirking, knowing that all the guys were looking at me inappropriately.


I saw the most cutest guy ever!!! He was ghostly pale, in a cute way. His irises looked black, in a cute way. He had ruffled pitch black hair and my fingers twitched wanting to run them through his hair. He looked fragile like I could knock him over with an over-aggressive high-five. He was wearing all black and it really complimented his features.

"Hey, baby," I said seductively. He didn't seem to notice me. I saw him reading a book. 

I glanced at the title, How to Hide a Body  by H. A. Des. 

I decided on a different approach. I tapped on his shoulder, he slowly lowered the book and lifted his gaze to me. Either he was reluctant to set the book down or his eyes just couldn't help but view my figure. 

"Can I help you?" He asked. I didn't hear any flirtatiousness (apparently that's actually a word) in his tone but it must have been there. 

I smiled sweetly, "Yes. I don't believe I've come across that book before. Could you tell me where I might find a copy?" 

"Oh. Well, I don't know. My father recommended it and gave me it."

I bit my lip, he was making it really hard to continue this conversation.

"What's your name? I'm Amy Mackerel."

He glanced at me like he was reluctant to give me his name in case I'd hand it over to the FBI, "Nico." he hesitated before saying, "Di Angelo." 

I nodded, awkwardly standing there with him. The bell rang, rudely bursting my eardrums. 


Nico sat in front of me in criminology. He knew a surprising amount of information about blood patterns and what type of wounds and what shape certain weapons made. My mind wandered back to the book Nico had been reading. 

'Maybe you should call the cops' a voice whispered in my head. I looked at Nico.

'Nah. Nevermind. He's too hot to call the cops on.'

'But maybe you should do something about—'

'All them guys staring at me? Yeah.'

I winked at the various men that couldn't take their eyes off me.

After class I stopped Nico from going to his locker. 

"Hey, baby," I said seductively, again. He looked up, confused.

"Wanna go to my house tonight? My parents are at work for an hour or so, so we'll have plenty of time to do whatever." I winked at him to show my meaning.

"Umm... I'm in a relationship and I've only known you for like, 47 minutes."

Aw, he's been keeping track. He's probably just playing hard to get anyway.

I followed him on his way out of school in a totally none creepy way. 

He walked up to a van with a bunch of other teens in it. They were all hot. Especially the guys. They would be Plan B's. 

Then I saw the person in the driver seat. 

"Nico!" I screeched. "There's a zombie in the driver's seat!"

Nico looked extremely offended, "Jules-(insert other part of his zombie's name) is not a zombie! He is French and- and he's awesome and he's..."

"Frenchly awesome!" A boy with a tool belt on in the van shouted. 

"Yeah!" Nico said indignantly. He then climbed into the van and they drove off. I swore I saw Nico kissing the cute blond. But I never did see Nico again.

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