Flaw Patrol, on a Roll

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I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. The title is not childish whatsoever.

Featuring: Percy 

I'm Brendon Everlen. I'm on the swim team with Percy Jackson. It would have been fine if Percy Jackson wasn't so perfect.

He was ripped but not in a gross way. Super handsome but not in a fake  way. A good person but not in a forced way.

It irked me. I needed to find at least one flaw. Just one flaw.

It sounded fun to the others on the team. They were all in.

We started off with the basics. 


I intentionally forgot to pack a lunch and confessed to Percy. I told him how starving I was. Every day at lunch he tells us how every piece of food is valuable because he's always hungry. But he passed me his entire lunch within a second like it was no problem.


He told us that his family isn't doing the best on cash. So as I walked past him I 'accidentally' dropped a hundred dollar bill. Immediately, he chased after me waving it in the air shouting, "YOU DROPPED THIS!"

Self Centered

Mandy walked up to him and told him he was hot (which he was but whatever) and Percy stared at her for a solid 7 seconds before rolling his eyes and saying, "Yeah, okay."


I walked up to him and told him he could dominate in the Olympics if he felt like it, and he shrugged and said, "Well, I'd try but there's a good chance I'd still lose."


We were having a meeting about what flaw to test when a voice whispered, "Whatchya talking 'bout?"

We all jumped. When Brice spoke up. He was that guy that could never keep a secret.

"We, um, we're trying to find a flaw that you have."

Percy appeared to do a double take, "You mean it's not obvious?"

"No." Mandy answered.

"Well I have a fucking list." Percy said and took out a notepad. 

"1. Loyalty 

2. Too loud

3. Modesty

4. Trust—"

And it was that day we learned that Percy's greatest flaw wasn't loyalty or volume or modesty or trust, but insecurity.

Is insecurity your greatest flaw, too?

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