Arlo McIndire

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I was rushing to the theatre we were filming at. It was supposed to become really popular. It was about a a female tarantula scientist meeting a man terrified of spiders and by default, terrified of her. But, they began to love each other. And soon, get together after his sister dies in the hospital.

I still wasn't sure who I was supposed to be acting with but whatever.


I finally got there.

I realized that all the girls were staring at me and I remembered how incredibly hot I was.

I was blond with green eyes and a strong jaw structure.

I winked at the hot ones and continued walking towards the producer. He filled me in on everything and introduced me to the person playing the tarantula scientist. 

She was SMOKING HOT. I grinned, thankful I got the part of the guy with arachnophobia.

"I'm Piper. I'll be playing Cordelia Dretlene. My friends talked me into this." She whispered the last part. 

"Arlo. I'm playing Ron Fewsen."

I shook her hand. She looked to be about 23. I was 25.


The scene opened with me arguing with my sister over who was Mom's favorite. (HAPPY MOTHERS DAY) 

I was in the middle of lecturing her when suddenly I jump up and stand on a chair with a girl-like, "Eek!"

My sister raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. 

I pointed to it, "Killlllll itttttt pleeaaasseeeee." I whine childlishly.

She looked around and saw a teensy weensy spider by her cup. She squashed it with her finger. 

[then we get to zoom through the whole movie because the writer is short on brain juice]

The movie ends with my sister dying and my running outside the hospital and sitting on the steps of the hospital in the rain. When an umbrella envelopes over my head, I look up. There's Cordelia/Piper. She sits next to me.

"You know," she says, "I used to have a brother." 

I looked at her in surprise. We hated each other and now she was telling me this?

"I HATED spiders then. And all bugs, really. But, then...he died. Of cancer. I— I held on to his memory and became an arachnologist."

At this point, I would look at her in surprise and then slowly, slowly, slowly we would lean in until our lips touched. 

And that's how the movie goes (Lol. Made that up. Feel free to copy it.)

I was having trouble on the last scene. She was just so gorgeous then. With little droplets of rain in her hair and her kaleidoscope eyes boring into mine, it was difficult to focus.

Finally, I got it right. The kiss was sweet, but there was no real emotion on her end.

The first premiere was in 3 days. I was going to ask her out after that maybe.


I saw her getting seated. "Hi, can I sit with you?" I asked.

She responded, "Oh, sorry but these seats are for my family."

I nodded and sat in the row behind her. 

I watched as a guy about 23 followed by 2 little kids. One, a boy with brown hair and blue eyes, another a girl with blonde hair and color changing eyes.

He looked around, eyes landing on Piper. He walked over to her and sat down. 

Okay, maybe he was a brother or something. But then the little kids shouted, "Mommy!" And the guy kissed her and I knew that was not the case. 

I stood up and left. 

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