Maxine Nertimus

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1.5K!!!! Also, fangirl moment: can we just talk about how perfect  Leo is? Like, he's funny, smart (he designed a war ship at, like, 5) good looking (don't get me wrong, you are beautiful just the way you are), brave, loyal, he's PERFECT. You can't convince me otherwise.

I repeatedly punched the door of my car. GAH!!! It literally just broke down out of nowhere!

I waited and waited, until a pretty girl with almond shaped eyes walked up to me.

She smiled, "Okay, we have recognized the issue you were having and will fix it by Wednesday." 

I nodded, "Thanks."

She nodded and walked away.

I started texting my parents. 

They came and picked me up.


I hopped in my parents car and drove there I my parents car. I pulled into the parking space, got out, and waited.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around. OH MY GAWD!!! He was soooooo hot. It was indescribable.

I felt myself blush. He smiled at me, "Your car's good to go!" 

And I found that all I could say through my blush and muddled thoughts were, "Fuck you."

I hated myself. Why, oh why? What evil force possessed me to say that!? 

He blinked, obviously taken aback, before grinning, "Well, I'm sure you want to, but I'm taken." He winked at me.

I was relieved. But I was blushing really hard still.

"Hey," he said, "you good? You look like you're about to pass out." He placed his hand on my forehead. It was all to overwhelming. I vomited on him. I actually vomited! All over him!

I payed him for fixing hopped in my car and drove away out of embarrassment. Later I figured out I had left my parents car there. So I went back to get it. But that was the last time I went there.

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