Charlie Tallman

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(Girl Charlie)

I smiled as I helped everyone. I volunteered in many charities. For example, I helped organize and pass out food for those who can't afford it. Passed out clothes and money to the homeless. Donated money. Etc, ect.

It was almost Christmas, so I was in a Mrs. Claus costume and jingling a loud bell so people would notice the place they could slip their money into to donate.

A boy approached me. He was really cute. Tan. Black hair. Sea green eyes. 

Of course, I knew better than to get my hopes up. So, I just smiled at him.

"Hey." He greeted, casually. "Could you, uh, tell me where the money's going?"

I grinned brighter, very few people asked that question, "It goes to kids with disabilities." I explained cheerfully.

He nodded and pulled out his wallet. He pulled out a huge chunk and handed it to me. I counted. $100,000!!!!!

"Thank you so much!" I said happily, rocking on my heels. "But, I don't  wanna feel like I'm taking all of your money."

"It's all right. I make stupid bets with people and win. That's where I get the money."

I still gave him back $100 of what he gave me.

Boss was happy when he saw how much money I made for the kids. 

I kept running into the cute boy. He was always donating at least $10,000 dollars.

Boss said he wanted to meet this generous guy. I welcomed him. 

Cute guy came like he always does, handing me a large clump of money. This time I handed it to Boss. He gaped. I looked over his shoulder. $300,000!

Boss smiled, "You wouldn't happen to want to volunteer here?"

"Sorry, sir, but I'm afraid I'm too busy." Cute boy responded.

Boss frowned, "That's a shame. We could really use your help." 

Cute boy seemed to think about it before saying, "Let me make a call."

We allowed him. He started talking in another language, but after 15 minutes, he hung up and smiled at us. 

"I'm Percy Jackson. When do I start?"

"How about now?" Boss suggested.

Percy and Boss shook hands. Maybe, I did have a chance with Percy. Probably. Definitely. Why else would he volunteer?


Percy was amazing. He knew how to sew. He made flawless food. He always donated. He was perfect.

I loved him.

And you know how that is, you can't LOVE someone unless they LOVE you back. If they don't LOVE you, then it turns out you actually just LIKED them.

And since I LOVED him, he had to return it, right?



It was both of our breaks. 

I slammed him against the wall and kissed him. 

When he didn't pull away, I felt an achievement in my heart. I was right! He did  LOVE me! I kissed him passionately, holding him close. He kissed back, and everything felt right in the world.

When we pulled away I gave him a lovesick smile. And he did too.


Wrong person.

That was Jerry. (Y'all thought Percy was insane, didn't you?)

I scrambled away, looking for Percy. I saw him texting someone with his arms crossed, his muscles rippling. He was leaning against the counter.

I snaked my arms around his waist and put my lips on his. I was immediately shoved away. 

"What the—"

"I LOVE YOU PERCY!!!" I exclaimed.

He gave me a sort of awkward glance like I had gone crazy.

"Um, I have a girlfriend. And that was, well, very random."

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" I asked, my lip trembling. The love of my life was dumping me? Before we even got together?

He just got up and walked away.

I volunteered at a different charity.


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