Randy Tattairs

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Another one for Rachel cuz we need to give a little love to her.

I went to a school for demigods and clear sighted mortals. Obviously, clear sighted mortals being rare and hard to identify, there were more demigods then clear sighted mortals attending. I was one of the few among the (Okay, I'm getting tired of typing clear sighted mortals. It is now CSM) CSM. 

I thought of demigods as dangerous and reckless. But Rachel wasn't. She was open minded, creative, beautiful and single. 

Big problem: she hung out with those Demi-freaks a lot. 

That would have to change once we got together. But I'm sure she would do it for me. 

She walked past me in the hall, her fiery hair in every direction. She would be mine.

Only question: how?

My charm.

I walked up to her like I was all that (cuz I was) and was standing in front of her in a noncreepy way when she closed her locker door. 

"Hey." I said.

"Erm, hi. Do I know you?"

I shook my head. "No. But do you wanna go out?"

"Oh." She blinked several times, "Sorry, but I just met you, and you don't seem my type."

"At least give me a chance." I tried to reason. It was no use. Women were confusing. I was attractive. I had green eyes and dirty blond hair. 

"Look, I gotta go to Greek. I'm sorry, but I said no and you need to accept that." And just like that she walked away.

Another tactic I suppose.

I spent all year worming my way into her friend group. They loved me. Of course they did, I was me. 

I dropped the bomb on her again and asked her out. Another rejection. Apparently, she didn't 'like me like that.' Huh.

There must be someone she's rejecting me for. I bet it's that Percy boy. Everyone seems to have a crush on him nowadays. I suppose I'll simply have to dispose of him.

It should be easy. 

Make it seem like Percy betrayed them over something and he'll be outta here like yesterdays newspaper. 

How would he betray him? Was the question. 

Cookies. I bet he'd do anything for a cookie. 

I put Rachel's drawing book in the shredder. She'd understand once we were married that this was for the best. 

Rachel was going ballistic the next day at school. She was looking everywhere. I, unfortunately, had to be the one to break it to her. 

"It was Percy." I informed them. "Rick told him to do it for a cookie."

 They stood there with shock plastered on their faces. I nodded solemnly. 

"Randy." Rachel said. "I think you shouldn't be friends with us anymore."

I stared at her, "Wha— Why?"

She scowled at me, "It's not okay to lie about Percy doing that. Especially intentionally."

I walked away from them that day and never went near them again. I wondered though, what might've happened if I hadn't done that.

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