Brett Frallen

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Annabeth Chase was hot as fuck. 

Sure, I hadn't thought so in 6th grade. Back then, she had had a massive crush on me but I turned her down because 1. She was still flat chested 2. Acne 3. Her hair was all frizzy and messy and bleh.

But now, everything was different. Her was neater. Her grey eyes startling and entrancing. Her body awesome. 

Of course, if she liked me then, she must like me now still. 

Only one way to find out.

I walked up to her.

Of course, she recognised me but neither of us had ever said anything about it.

"Annabeth, I was wondering if you would like to go out?"

She stared at me like, 'you have got to be kidding me.' "Sorry, no. I've got a boyfriend, and even if I didn't I wouldn't exactly be interested." 

"No way." I said.

"No way, what?" She sighed like she was so tired of dealing with my bullshit. 

"No way you have a boyfriend. No one would take you in 6th grade, why would they now?"

"For your information, things change all the time. And I don't believe it's your business who I date or when."

"I still don't think he's real."

"You don't have to. I don't care for your approval."

"...can I meet him at least?"

"He picks me up after school everyday, if your ever so desperate for another friend."

"Hey now, I wanna make a bet. If he isn't real I get to date you. If he is real and can't beat me in a swimming contest, I get to date you. If he's real and can beat me, then I'll leave you be."



I smirked as Annabeth remained reading on a bench with no one to pick her up. "Hey, sweetheart, looks like Prince Charming's a no show."

She rolled her eyes, "He's just late."

"Yeah, okay."

As if on cue, an old Prius pulls up and out of the driver's seat comes a black haired green eyed guy. 

Annabeth walked up to him, and kissed him. She whispered in his ear something. He grinned. He walked up to me, "So, Annabeth says you wanna a swimming contest?"

I nodded, "I also just so happen to be the fastest swimmer in school history."

He nodded. We walked back into the school. Normally we wouldn't have been allowed but we were to be supervised by Coach Hedge.

"K, Cupcakes, hurry it up, will ya?"

I noticed Mr. boyfriend was wearing a swim shirt. Hopefully, it will slow him down.

Coach blew his whistle. We raced. He got there first! Impossible! 

Gah! Now he gets to keep Annabeth. Stupid perfect boyfriend.

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