Alyssa Daree

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I know. Okay? I just know. Don't ask me how. But walk around here with a guilty face and I know you didn't do the dishes last night like your Mom asked you to.

No, I'm not stalking you. I just know. It's cool. Because everyone knows that I know. They're scared. And it's beautiful. 

No one messes with me. Unless they want their parents to get a call of how they didn't make their bed like they were told.

It doesn't hurt that I'm gorgeous. 

I bleached the ends of hair

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I bleached the ends of hair. But my brown eyes were pretty enough to not cover up.

Percy Jackson was perfect.

His midnight black hair was messy and I wanted to run my fingers through it.

His sea green eyes sparkled and shone with happiness and mischief. 

He was tan and lean and muscular to just the right amount.

He was on the swim team. So watching from the bleachers was an excuse to see him shirtless.

I heard he had a girlfriend. But I'll find a way to blackmail him out of the relationship. She can't be that great anyway.

But Percy hardly did anything wrong. 

Wait! I glanced at his face again. He had eaten the last cookie. 

I strutted over to him.

"Hey, Perce," I said, fluttering my eyelashes.

He was covered in droplets of water. 

"Um, hey?" Percy said, obviously confused.

"Wanna go out?" I asked, subconsciously applying lip gloss.

"Erm...I have girlfriend so... No. Sorry."

"I know what you did. I'll tell your Mom you ate the last cookie."

Percy looked as though I had prophesied his death, "You wouldn't- wait, you don't even have her number."

"Minor inconvenience. I have my ways." I grinned. "Anyway, if you don't want your mom to find out, then you'll have to go out with me." I knew I had won.

"If you're really gonna make this big of a deal out of it, you can talk to my girlfriend."

I grinned. I was just gonna blackmail her, too.

"Okay." I agreed. "When?"

"I really don't care. She's gonna pick me up after school, so maybe then?"


A battered old Jeep pulled up. Out stepped a gorgeous girl. Blonde. Ugh, just another dumb blonde that got the guy. 

I glanced at her. Nothing. She did absolutely nothing wrong. A plain old goody two shoes.

"Hello," I said. 

"Er, hi? Do I know you?"

"No, honey. But I know your boyfriend. He's inside, doing whatever. I just thought that you should know," I dropped my voice to a whisper, "I saw him kissing some Darla girl."

"Oh?" She asked.

I nodded.

"When exactly did this happen?" 

"At school, why?"

"Uh-huh. But what time?"

"Oh, about 12:40."

She nodded and pulled out a tablet, "Well, according to the security footage," she paused to raise an eyebrow at me, "which I definitely did not hack into, it shows Percy retaking a test that he had flunked on Tuesday."

"Uh, what's going on?" Percy asked with an innocent smile.

"Oh, nothing, darling, I just met your girlfriend. She's lovely." I said the last part through gritted teeth.

"Oh, that's great!" Percy said, smiling. "Oh, we'd better go." He added.

For some reason, Percy didn't come back to school after that. I heard whispers though, that his girlfriend had talked him out of it. 

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