Blake Mesiff

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1.6K!!!!!! In this, we're gonna pretend that Percy is just three years older than Estelle. Estelle is in 8th grade. (This is weird)

Estelle's POV

I kissed my boyfriend, Blake goodbye as I rushed home. He was amazing. We had dated since 7th grade, I loved him with all my heart. (Okay, some of it gotta leave some space for Mom, Dad, and Percy).


Percy and I are gonna go get coffee. He was buying.

We sat down at a table and just talked.

"Estelle?" I turned around and saw Blake.

"Hi! Percy, this is my boyfriend, Blake. Blake, this is Percy, he's my—"

"The guy you're cheating on me with."

"What? No, he's my b—"

"Boyfriend. I get it."

"Shut up, Blake! Don't you get it!? He's my b—"

"Well, he's certainly not just 'best friends'."

"You're right, he's my b—"

"You just admitted it! Well, guess what!? I don't give a god dam crap! I've slept with all your friends! You were just to stupid to notice I had 20 other girlfriends!"

I sat there, staring at him, glassy eyed. He ran out of the café.

Percy's POV

I calmly got up. Estelle glanced at me, "Percy don't." She warned.

I raced after the guy anyway.

He was slow. He was trying to get to his car. I intercepted.

"Hey, bubble brain!" I shouted.

He looked at me, "What do you need?"

"Well, you just confessed to cheating on my sister! You don't get to just use her!"

He fleetingly had an expression of confusion, "Brother?" 

Then I heard him whisper, "Dam it."

I growled, "Listen, you're gonna walk into there and apologise. Then, I'm gonna sit here and watch as you break up with your other girlfriends on the phone. Understood?"

He sized me up. Deciding not to take his chances with a 6'5 guy, walked back into the café, hands in his pockets, head down.

"Hey, Estelle, I'm really sorry about that. Friends?"

Estelle glared at him, "No, you ass hat. Not friends. Goodbye." She dismissed him with a wave of a hand.

He sighed, cussing her under his breath as he took out his phone. He pressed send on each and every message. All of them saying one thing: Sorry, this isn't working out. Don't worry, I was cheating on you all along tho 🤪.

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