The Target

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The lights flickered.

A beautiful woman walked in.

"Status report?" 

I checked the screen. On the screen, the boy walked in, and was immediately greeted by a girl. I watched her closely. She was flirting with him.

"Target has been confirmed." I told her.

She nodded solemnly, "Send them in, then."

My voice crackled over the speakers inside their earpieces, "All clear."

The boy had walked away from the girl. She was all alone. The lights flickered into darkness where the girl was at. 

"Hello?" The girl asked uncertainly.

"Hello." Someone spoke up to answer. 

I turned on night vision mode on the screens to see clearer.

I saw a flurry of motion. The girl was shrieking in pain. Twenty girls surrounded her. Each wielding a book of their choosing. 

One shouted, "They're not just stories!" 

Someone agreed, "Words DO hurt!"

Another joined, "Yeah!" 

But slowly, they retreated.

The beautiful woman chuckled, "Care to do the last touches?"

I smiled, "'Course, Mom."

I slammed the door behind me. The lights had turned on, the girl was running. I whispered under my breath, "áschimi óra."

The girl shrieked and clawed at her face. 

"Well ladies," Aphrodite's voice crackled in my ear, "Target has been eliminated. Percabeth remains safe and unthreatened."

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