Taylor Rifey

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I was on the Monzas Swim Team and I was captain. We had to go up against one last team before making nationals (??? Is that how it works?) 

I had a trick. I was, like, the only girl. And I was sexy as hell. And gorgeous when wet, if you know what I mean. My hair was red and long and went past my ass. My eyes were a heartstopping light bright green. My trick is, to apply sunscreen every time. Even though most of them are inside I do it. I'll stick my leg up in the air to do it though. It weakens the competition. I also wear a bikini that covers hardly anything. The guys be so busy staring at me they hardly even try.

I was going up against Goode High's captain, Percy Jackson. He was hot. I would make a move on him after this. I kept my hair down. It might slow me down but Percy will be too busy staring to try so why does it matter. 

Occasionally, we come upon the issue where it's my own team mates that slow down because they're all staring at me. But only occasionally, when I'm playing dirty.

I looked around. All the chairs were taken. No matter. I asked the lifeguard if I could borrow his seat. He winked and agreed. Every guy in the building was staring at me as I applied sun screen.

I climbed back down the ladder, making sure to make my ass stick out as I did so.


We raced. 

He won by 12 seconds!

I scowled. It's because he wasn't all over me yet. 

I walked up to him, the water was making the waist band of his swim shorts sag. One centimeter from being a little too revealing. 

"Hey." I said. 

"Hey, you did great, really." 

"Thanks. I was wondering if you would want to go on a date." 

"Sorry, but I have a girlfriend."

I frowned, this was not okay. He humiliated me, and now he had the nerve to turn me down? No.

I pouted, "It's alright."

I planned on stalking him. Kidnapping him. Forcing him to love me.

Unfortunately, I dropped dead on the spot.

It's still a mystery how I died. 

But I remember hearing a voice, "Don't even think about it, dear."

Idk y'all, forgot where I was going with it so I thought, 'Eh, just kill her.'

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