Sophia Youppi

746 10 17

1.9K!!!!!!! (Okay, I'm probably annoying you with all this. I'll only tell you every thousand)

The new kid bothered me. She was very tall, very muscular, and very, very threatening. It irritated me that she didn't make an effort to look presentable.

I was under the impression that everyone knew you had to be proper and respectful in public. That poor girl hadn't been informed. 

I mean, she could at least make an effort with her hair. Her eyes would look prettier with some eyeliner and mascara. She could try to smile. Not insulting people as much would be appreciated. And, speak in English? Grunting all the time makes her sound like a cavewoman. 

So, you understand my frustration with Clarisse LaRue. I promised myself I would help her to see her mistakes. 

She was wearing ratty jeans and a red shirt with stains of paint and mud. I straightened my skirt and approached her.

"Clarisse!" I chirped.

She scowled at me, "What do you need, princess?"

Hurt flashed in my eyes and I was a bit miffed as I spoke, "I just wanted to give some...future advice."

She glared, "It better be important."

"I just wanted to say that...well, young ladies should look their best. And not... well, you get what I mean. I could give you tips if you like but--"


"Excuse me?" I asked, I was assisting her and she was talking back? I've never seen such disrespect.

"I said no. I don't give a god dam fuck about what you think of me. If you don't like me, that's your problem, not mine. Get that through your spoiled skull."

My eyes filled up with tears, how could she say something like that?! I ran away sobbing.

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