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You know the drill, time for angst- also I'll be posting what song I listen to while doing these oneshots. There isn't one because I was watching a movie. (ENCANTO)


Mumbo still had little time to finish his project of redstone. He had his younger brother visit him from his own server, but sadly his brother can destroy redstone machine he makes so he had time to do so. Hours later he got a message on his communicator from Xisuma.

[XisumaVoid] Mumbo you ready

[MumboJumbo] OMW.

[StressMonster101] Ready for what

[FalseSymmetry] you didn't hear

[StressMonster101] hear what 

[ImpusleSV] Mumbos brother is coming for a visit from his server

They all met up and some hermits wanted to see his brother and so they spied on them. They had thought they were being Sneaky sneaky, but no, they saw it a mile away. As Xisuma made the portal, more hermits arrived. Soon a minute later, about the entire server was spying on them. Xisuma was soon connected and was waiting for Grians server to connect too.

............................................................... In Evo ..............................................................

"Grian what are we supposed to do?!" Netty yelled. Grian knew what he had to do, but he really didn't want to do it. "Cover me okay!" He yelled back as an answer. The server was now protecting the young man who was making a portal. It connects to Hermitcraft, the place where he had to go visit his brother. As soon as the portal connected he yelled at them to get in. All of the evolutionists were in the portal, all but Tuartis.

"NO, WE ARENT GONNA LEAVE YOU!" He shouted at Grian who was trying to push him to the door. "I'll be there soon, just tell a mustache person you see that you brother will be getting there soon." He replied and pushed him in. 

"Can you watchers just leave?! WE DID NOTHING TO YOU!" Grian spat at the winged creatures. He continued on, "WE FOLLOWED YOUR STUPID RULES!!" Grian yelled again. The watchers were getting agitated. They started to fire, well purple fire, at him. He dodge the attacks. Soon he brought his admin panels. 

He made swords appear behind him, he pointed at them.

.............................................................. Hermitcraft ..............................................................

Mumbo heard swooshes from the portal. He knew that had to be Grian, right? 

"Woah!!" The Evolutionist screamed as they tumbled out of the portal. Hermits with shocked faces ran up to help the people up. "Are you okay?!" Ren said as he ran up to the evolutionists. As all hermits came in to help, Mumbo and Xisuma had mixed faces of surprise and worry. Soon a young boy, or what it looked like, came up to Mumbo and Xisuma. "Are you Grians brother?" He said, worry in his voice. "Y-yes, where is Grian?" Mumbo stuttered. "I- he is back at Evo, he is trying to save our server.. from watchers." He replied.

"What?!" Xisuma yelled shocking everyone and getting gazes. "Why do you guys have watchers? They are dangerous!" He said but or anger in his voice. "I- we followed there rules, did what they asked. They gave us gifts! But punishments if we did something bad." A blonde person with a green hat said. "Then they attacked, we didn't do anything wrong actually." A girl with dark blue eyes and light brown hair spoke after. 

"What?" False questioned. "You heard us.. they attacked. Grian told us to go the portal. He told me to tell his brother that he will come soon." Tuartis said looking down to his shoes. "Well will he be okay?" Mumbo said holding back tears. But then more swooshing was heard..

.............................................................. EVO ..............................................................

He had taken care of all the watchers that were weak. He only had one more to do so. "You won't give up won't you." The watcher spoke, for once in English. "I will save my home!" He yelled back. Grian had multiple scars but that didn't stop him. "Well then..Say hi to your friends to me.." he said before using his magic to push him through the portal very harshly making him fly backwards. Admin panels were still showing.

.............................................................. Hermitcraft(no more anymore) ...........................................

The swooshing was heard and someone in red was flying towards a building, he was zooming past people. He couldn't keep his eyes open anymore. But the last thing he saw was a familiar mustache person.

"GRIAN!!" Tuartis cried out as he saw his friend fly back faced into a wall. "Mumbo ran up to his younger brother and held him in his arms. His admin panels were glitching out. "YOU DIDNT TELL ME THAT HE WAS THE ADMIN?!" Xisuma yelled, soon realized what he did and apologized. "I didn't know either, we haven't spoke since he joined EVO." Mumbo said hot tears rolling down his cheeks. "Tuartis was being comforted by his friends, who were also crying. 

"I can help him if you want?" Stress and Doc said together. "I don't wanna leave him again." Mumbo mumbled. "Fine, but you have to come.


Mumbo was impatiently waiting for his brother to wake. "Mum'o?" He faintly heard. "G?" He said and hugged him. Grian hugged him back and cried. 


Sooo I'm feeling sick and not because I have Covid- I still taste stuff don't worry. Anywho I'm getting out of ideas and the Secrets unfold book, I've been trying to write more chapters but having writers block is kinda difficult. Anywho this is cringe. Ima work on the secrets unfold book now! Look out for that!!

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