Using me?

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Grian was blind, all hermits knew this. He would always have someone to guide him everywhere. It would usually be Mumbo who would guide the blind hermit. Grian was also the silent type. When the did "wars" He wouldnt join in.

For many reasons, it was mostly because he didnt like fighting or anything like that for that matter. It was not because fighting was bad, its because it reminds him of the scientist. He was experimented by scientists. They usually fight on what serum they had to test on him. No one knew his past, he never like talking about it.

At the labatory, he had two friends. The names were Samuel or Sam, and Tuartis. Sam was a hybrid rabbit. Tuartis was an angel of some sort. He was a parrot, thought sadly they had clipped his wings.

A day at the lab, Sam was given a virus. It made him insane! He killed nearly the entire population of hybrids. Sam had killed Tuartis first. Grian luckly survived, only to be given a few cuts. The Lab was gone, friends gone. Sam was lost, or killed. He didnt want to remember the name Sam so he gave him a new name:

The killer Rabbit.


A prank war was happening at the hermitcraft server. It was between the two friends, Doc and Ren. 

The two were currently tied on how many pranks they did.

The teams were almost half the server each. (People i usually know-)

Rens Team: The Prank-ies

Ren, Tango, Impulse, Zed, Mumbo, Iskall, Scar, Cleo.


Doc, Keralis, Xisuma, Cub, Bdubs, False, Stress, Joe.

Doc had asked first of Grain wanted to join his team. He had declined but apologized for about a week. Doc then understood why he didn't want to be in a war. He was fine with it, but Grian had agreed he'll get some ideas and give it to him.

Ren on the other hand, well he knew he didn't need to ask Grian about this. He knew he didn't want to fight. So he did the most stupid thing ever. He was going to "use" him as a distraction. He sadly didn't ask permission for this from him.

The war was still tied, well not for long.

Ren, Mumbo and Cleo were spying on Grian. He was talking to Doc and Bdubs. Bdubs was behind him making sure he wouldn't fall down.

Grian was telling him some great pranks that they could use with his permission.

Mumbo was carefully watching the the three, Ren was going to give the signal to Cleo to "drop the bomb". He looked over to her and nodded, she then dropped Scar's cat, Jellie, on top of Doc. Doc felt something on his head, he picked it up, dropped it, and ran screaming.

Sadly being a creeper has its disadvantages like being scared of Cats.

Bdubs went after him leaving Grian by himself standing their with no clue. This kept happening for the next three days. Now Grian was blind, though he was very smart. He knew what Ren had planned and hadn't talked to anyone in such a long time. No one was prancing each other, and The Prank-ies were in the lead by four.

Grian was sad. He never really felt that emotion a lot. He was sad that his friends had been using him. His friend was doing it too. He was also extremely mad. He wanted much much revenge, but in a veryyy peaceful way.. a pranking way.

He stayed up all night writing an entire book of Pranks to do. He wanted to give it to one of the team members but soon realized he couldn't see. But he tried his best. He ran around the shopping district hoping to run into some people. He only managed to run into doors and buildings.

Grian then soon ran into a tall person. "Ah- sorry Grian." He said holding his hand up. "Cub? That you?" Grian asked, Cub soon remembered he couldn't see and just helped him up either way. "Unrelated note, can I talk to your team?" Grian asked very innocently.

"Hm oh sure, here." Cub replied letting Grian hold something attached to his hand. All hermits had something attached to their hand, it was usually when they needed to take Grian places. Weirdly enough he just didn't like to be touched. The hermits were fine with it though, it just seemed like a bracelet to them.


As Cub helped Grian to the secret base. He remembered that they were supposed to have a meeting on how they should get back at them. When walking he heard the talking.

"How will we get them back if we keep endangering Grian?! Some of the pranks are harmless yes, but others not much, and he wouldn't know either!" "I know I know! We need more ideas, and we ran out. Grian is like our supplier for the pranks." "But he had been avoiding everyone for about half the week now!!" I-" "Heyyy guys look who came for a visit!!" Cub announced as he helped Grian down the stairs.

"Hi Grian!!" Bdubs Exclaimed taking him from Fub to let him sit down. "Hi Bdubs!" Grian happily said. "So wait what was the question again?" Cub asked him as he sat down at his own seat. "Well are you out of Ideas??" Grian asked. He was taking out something in his inventory. "Uh yeah actually." Xisuma said rubbing his head. "Well I have an entire book of pranks! Use them if you please!" He replied.

He then threw the book on top the table, he hoped he didn't hit anyone. False immediately went to grab the book and scanned the pages. "Wow- this is great! These are both harmless and funny." She said chuckling a bit. "What's the catch?" Keralis asked. He knew business when he sees one.

"Well," Tears we're starting to form in his eyes. Thought he couldn't see, if he could, well his sight would've been foggy, "I just want my revenge." Grian replied softly, he looked at his feet in embarrassment and sadness. "Any specific reason?" Stress spoke. "I- well they didn't have my permission, but they "used me" in some sort of way, Rens team.. when talking to you all, they prank." Grian didn't hold back his tears, it just strolled down as if it's it's own self.

"Oh Grian.." Stress said and walked over to him to hug him. Everyone then walked over to False tor ear the prank book. Grian was calmed down now, tears were gone. "Wow.. who knew something so quiet and innocent could be so scary-" Joe said grabbing the book.

Grian looked back at the floor. Memories flooded his head,


You let him die

He started to cry again. Joe noticed this and soon he was now comforting the short hermit. "Wanna talk?" "Mhm.." is what he had to say and they walked off.

Weeks passed. The prank-ies surrendered and apologized to Grian. He had forgiven them and said it was all for fun. Everything was now fine. Grian talked to Joe and Xisuma bout his past.

Everything was fine.


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LEAVING THIS WITH A CLIFFHANGER. Also, I'm going to be on a hiatus for Secrets unfold (SU). Only for two weeks. Mostly because I need to make all the part 2 oneshots as a thank you and edit memories. Soo yea, I'll be posting more here for the next two weeks. Bye guysss!!

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