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AU explanation: So Tuartis is Replacing Grian. Grian is replacing Tuartis. So G got kidnapped by the watchers in EVO and was since returned. Tuartis had been invited to Hermitcraft which he accepted. Now Tuartis wears Red to remeber Grians favorite color. He had a red hat. :) 




Tuartis misses his best friend. He missed him as he was kidnapped by watchers.. and his hate for the watchers are boiling and boiling each and every time. 

But right now, Tuartis is currently making a hobbit hole. He made this as Grian would non stop talk about it. Saying how they are so cute and how amazing it would be to live in one. And god was Grian right. Tuartis loved living in there. 


"⨅ᒷꖎᑑ⚍ᔑ ꖎᒷℸ ̣ 'ᓭ !¡ᔑ|| ᔑ ⍊╎ᓭ╎ℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ||𝙹⚍ ⎓∷╎ᒷリ↸ ᓭ⍑ᔑꖎꖎ ∴ᒷ" ⨅ᒷリᔑ asked the shorter watcher. ⨅ᒷꖎᑑ⚍ᔑ Nodded and the portal appeared. They walked in the portal together. 

"||𝙹⚍ ꖌリ𝙹∴ ∴⍑ᔑℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ↸𝙹 ||𝙹⚍リ⊣ !¡∷╎リᓵᒷ" she asked. He nodded again. Yeh two finally teleported and was now in Hermitcraft.


Xisuma was trying to rest as Keralis had pressured him to do so. But he couldn't. He had that feeling something was off.. like a bug in the server. He reached out to his admin panels. He checked the server status, two mysterious people had joined the game. 


Keralis1: I told you to rest

TangoTek: smt wrong

Tuartis: Ya, you good?

Everyone started to gather up in the shopping district. Tuartis saw some familiar faces, others not so much as he never had the time to do so. 

Xisuma stepped forward with some admin panels surrounding him. "Sorry for calling in short notice, we have two unwanted visitors here.." Xisuma started. Hermits gasped, who was these unwanted visitors..

"Wait, X what do they look like?" Impulse asked. Maybe if they knew what they looked like they could be more aware. 

"Well.. One is a girl and other a boy. The girl had a long purple skirt and a grey top. She is about 6 feet tall, and is wearing a cape, that has a weird symbol embroidered into it. Her hair is grey and her skin is black.. The boy is different, he is.. well our size, strawberry blonde hair with a purple and grey shirt. Though the shirt seems to be fancy. Wearing a cape too with the same symbol embroidered. His skin seems to be peach. Both had purple wings and halo, with a black tip tail, the boy has a crown though." Xisuma said squinting at the panels of their descriptions. 

Tuartis gave a loud gasp. He couldn't believe this was happening. They took his best friend already.. why did they have to come to this server?

In the tip of Falses ear, she heard some rumbling from the bushes. She turned around and took her sword out. Soon the hermits followed as they also turned around at the sight of the two visitors. 

"WHO ARE YOU?!" Doc yelled. They came a bit closer and looked at each other. The taller one nodded, and the shorted male spoke. "Hello! It's nice to meet you, can you tell me where I am?" 

"Well your in-" Xisuma started but was rudely interrupted by the tallest, "I don't know how I got here..But I, I think I'm starting to understand" "Oh.." Mumbo whispered. "I don't belong among the players (angels).." the young boy said and looked at his companion. "And prince that's just fine with me.." she didn't even bother to lay eyes on him. 

"Who is this prince you speak of?" Tuartis said in the back. Sadly being the shortest doesn't give advantages even when you at the back. "The things I did up there were high school! But now I'm going for my degree." The prince spoke. Tuartis pushed himself to the front and gasped. He didn't believe his eyes. 

"Hey.. Sorry, but you just got in my way. I promise honey, I can feel your pain" The tallest spoke and pointed at Tuartis. " HOW DARE YOU!" He screamed back. The boy raised his hand to showcase that there shall not be any violence unless told. 

They all shut up.

"And maybe I enjoy it just a little bit.. Does that make me insane?" She spoke again not bothering the consequences.

Yes.. it does. And it also makes you pretty rude. Iskall thought. He didn't lie that his friend was acting like this but didn't like how these people were being very rude.

"Gri- you know me.. it me!" Tuartis spoke softly. "Haven't been the same since I expired, doesn't mean I plan to retire!" The short one spoke gleefully. Tuartis now had tears in his eyes. Stress went over to comfort him. But she also shot glares at the boy. 

"And now I have the power to bathe all of you in entertaining fire!!" He had his hands up in air as fire came from his hands. They all stepped back just a bit. 

"GRIAN YOU KNOW ME!!" Tuartis yelled pushing Stress back just a little but. "REMEMBER EVO?! YHS?! GRIAN.. it's me.." he started to yell but calmly whispered the last part. He walked slowly up to him and hugged him. "It's me.. you best friend." He whispered. 

Grian didn't change his expressing but instead closed his eyes. Tuartis got pushed back by NOTHING! 

Tuartis went sobbing. Xisuma started to comfort him. The rest of the hermits still kept their guard up just incase. 

"Wait a minute, do I know you? Weren't you an old pal of mine?" He started to remember slightly. His companion looked at him. DAMN IT HE IS REMEMBERING.. Tuartis nodded his head slowly, tears still in his eyes and a smile on his face. 

"Departed from us far to early? But now we're meeting a second time." Grian started to question.  "Prince no.. that's not him." She said lightly and a magic flow crept on to Grians mind. "We used to have such fun together. And maybe you have what I need?" 

"YOU BASTARD!? STOP TAKING HIS MEMORIES AWAY!!" Tuartis yelled. Ren and everyone else was looking at her. Anger in their eyes as they were slowly learning that she.. she had been taking away memories of that innocent boy. 

"But I have one tiny question?" She asked. "What." Scar said coldly. He didn't like memory magic. And certainly didn't like this type of person at all. 

"Tell me do you players bleed?" She asked. 

"Yes we do?" Tango said. 

Let's say he got a lot of elbows from that response. "STOP!" Grian yelled. "No.. fighting.." His energy was getting sucked out from the amount of memories he got drained out. "GRIAN!?" "MY PRINCE." The two enemies shouted as he fell to the floor. His skin as pale as ever. 

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HIM." tuartis snapped. "We are taking our leave now.. but we will return.. to finish what our prince started.." She said and carried the prince bridal style and they disappeared into a ash of black and purple. 

"Now you mister.. have a lot of explaining to do.." Cub said sternly at Tuartis. 

"I'll explain another chapter.." Tuartis snickered. "DAMN YOU- I- IM BROKE TO PAY FOR ANOTHER FOURTH WALL PRICK!" A voice yelled.





1. "Zelqua, let's pay a visit to your friend shall we?" Zena..

2. Zelqua nodded

3. "You know what to do young prince?"

Lolll hey.. I'm broke now lol. Uh so yes I'm going to be mostly focusing on my new book. I'm currently hurt my ankle is fractured and I have to go to school tomorrow.. yah bye!

- The Night Writer 

Words: 1263 

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