It all started because of a water bucket..

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Grian was just making sure that the prank was successful! He put a water bucket on top of the door, so whoever walks in.. BAM, Water everywhere. He secretly hoped that it was a group of people too.

Grian sat down reading his book. He patiently waited for people to come in. He was very lonely, he didn't have much friends, unlike his brother. His brother had a literal pack of friends. Each time he made eye contact with him, he would walk the other way. He rather be a lone prankster, the a friend prankster. Don't get him wrong, he loves his brother. He just doesn't want to be recognized.

He waited until a group of kids walked in. They all got soaking wet. And Grian tried to keep his laughter to himself. Then he realized who he pranked.

Mumbo. His brother. He looked away in embarrassment, when a soaking Mumbo came up to him.

"Really Grian?" His brother said. A slight chuckle was heard, Grian got up and gathered his belonging. He went into the wrong class seeing his classmates weren't gonna come. Grian ran out, pushing aside some of Mumbos friends. 

He went to his original class and sat down. He waited and waited for a few minutes until the bell rang. It was a break and his could relax outside the field and watch the kids play their normal sports. He pulled his out a book and put his hoodie on top of his head.


"Mumbo? Who was that?" False said and she tried to dry herself. "Uh I'll tell you at Break?" He questioned himself. They all took their seats. The classmates didn't ask about why they were wet. They knew what happened. 

After a while, the bell rang and they rushed outside. They were mildly wet, but today was a sunny day so they could talk and sit in the sun. 

"So who is that?" Iskall said, (He didn't have a robotic eye) trying to look at him, but failed as he was blind one eye. "That is Grian. He is the school prankster, and my idiotic brother." Mumbo said pointing at the boy who was reading his book. 

"Why is he an idiot?" Xisuma said looking at his direction. "Welll.." Mumbo said, gonna answer his question.

 Grian looked around for a bit. He saw Mumbos friends, they were looking at him so he got up and left. 

"Well he mostly gets in trouble and likes to avoid me at school. I still love him as my brother, but he keeps distancing himself, but." Mumbo said as he watched his brother disappear. "But what?" Ren questioned, looking around for the quiet boy. "Well, each time we go home, he always has a bruise or a cut. But he seems to not be bothered by it, even when our parents ask him what's wrong. He always keeps a smile.. I don't know how." 

Xisuma checked his watch, "well best to get our books before it's traffic at the lockers." He got up and helped the others up. They were now fully dried. They wanted to know more about this Grian character. (WhO Is tHIs GrIAn cHaRAcTEr??) 

They went to their lockers, and heard a sound. It was coming from inside the lockers. The rest had left early not hearing the sound, but Scar, Ren, Stress and Mumbo heard it. The group went to the locker and opened it. A small boy fell out, and onto the floor. "GRIAN?" Mumbo yelled as he helped his brother up. 

Grian was fine on his body, but his head was worse. He had a black eye and cuts all over. "Grian I need you to look at me.." Mumbo said, Scar left to tell a teacher, while Ren and Stress were looking for bandages in their bags. Grians eyes were tiered and he wanted to close his eyes. 

"Mum'o? I wana slep.." Grian said trying to get out as much words as possible. "N-no, no sleepy" Mumbo replied to his brother. "I- cant.." and soon after he said, his world went dark.


It's been a day since that incident, Grian was in the Hospital because apparently he had a broken rib and needed tending. A few minutes after he was tended, he woke up. Mumbo looked at him shocked eyed to see Grian smiling and crying. "I'm sorry Mumbo.." Grian murmured. Mumbo got up and hugged him carefully, "don't be.. I'm sorry for not protecting you.

Grian was fully charged now, and could be sent home. He couldn't go to school until his rib had fully healed, and he was fine with it. After all, he would think of more pranks.

He was finally healed and could go back to school. 

At school, Mumbo had introduced Grian to his friends. They introduced themselves slowly. When Ren introduced him self, instead of calling Grian, well Grian. He called him gorgeous (NO SHIP!), it made Grian pink that Mumbo had to make sure, he was with Grian when speaking to Ren. Doc on the other hand just smacked the back of his head. "Ow-" is what Ren said each time he was smacked on the head, which was often..

Grian was usually quiet around them. He had apologized to them about the water bucket. They all forgave him and soon, Grian was more out going! He didn't get bullied much, and he didn't know why..

His friends knew why, and they made sure that'll never happen again.



Still here? Ok then want a short story of Mumbo gettin mad and Ren? Okay! 


Mumbo was talking to Scar and False about their group project, Grian was hugging Mumbo behind his back. In his class it was Test week so he stayed up all night. No sleep. Ren saw this and took advantage of Mumbos oblivious emotion of Grian. 


Grian Hugged Mumbo tighter as his face turned into a blushing mess. Mumbo realized this and turned around to see a laughing Ren, a running Doc, and a red Grian. It took a second to find out what the hell just happened. When he did he and Grian left. 

Scar and False, completely dumbfounded until Doc came over and scolded Ren for flirting with Grian again. The two laughed and looked to find the two brothers so they could talk about the project again.

Grian just had a BI PANIKKK




YeH, sO tHiS wAS 1148 wORds LoNg.. I- fInisHeD mY hOmEWork.. AnD pOsTed A cHaPtER.. lOngeSt OnEShoT mAdE.. aNywAy.. dOnT ExpEct fOr a oNesHoT tOmOrRoW! THatS mY bReaK dAy! HEre, My ScHeDuLe..

Mon: Oneshot (1-2)

Tues: Oneshot (1-3)

Wen: Break (Hockey)

Thurs: Oneshot (1-2)

Fri: Secrets Unfold (1-2 chapters)

Sat: Oneshot (1-3)

Sun: Secrets unfold (1-2) or Oneshot (1-2) 


Yeah.. So reason I typed like that... hands hurt and that's my pain.. GOOD NIGHT!

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