Recruited or a Puppet

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The watchers kept an eye on the blind hermit. He looked very useful to them. And their master had said so too. Sadly. With his friends with him at all times, they had to be aware and sneaky. They had bad reputation with the hermits of Hermitcraft. 

Mostly because they had controlled "Evil" Xisuma to destroy them. 

But they had their moments of silence with him. It was mostly in his dreams but Grian wouldn't remember what happened. 


"Hey Grian!" Ren yelled. He ran over to him, he was called by him so he could walk a bit in Hermitcraft. "Hi Ren! Ready?" Grian asked. Though he might not know where he is, he heard his voice and somewhat turned to him. 

"Yup!" Ren replied and they started walking around. Grian had wings and liked letting it out once and a while. He would fly all around the server trying to remember where everything is so he wouldn't fly right into it. 

They walked and walked. Until Ren had introduced Grian to a secret spot. To Rens eyes it was beautiful. To Grians eyes, he saw black. But hearing the birds chirp, and the river flow, he imagined it as it looked like. They sat down on the wet grass. They came there to relax from everyone. 

Ren accidentally fell asleep, and Grian was there to roam his thoughts. He was hearing the birds chirp, then felt something on his lap. He tried grabbing it. After many several failed attempts, he finally got it and woke Ren up. 

"Can you read this out loud? It appeared on my lap." Grian violently shook Ren up. He sat up and grabbed the note. 

"Dear Grian,  

We have observed you. We would like you to join the Watchers. We watch over servers and much more. We will explain at the coronation. Please send back if you would like to join.

- Watchers.." 

Ren didn't like this one bit. He remembered EVERYTHING that the watchers did. Now they want another puppet?? "Ooooo should I? Hmmm ima think bout it!" Grian said and stood up. Ren also stood up and they walked back. Ren had something very important to talk with Xisuma. 

Grian was tiered, he thought of joining the watchers. So he thought in his head what he was going to write. 

Dear Watchers,

I accept your request of joining you guys! Thank you for inviting me!


He thought and then a watcher stood upon him. He felt the aura of someone new. "Hello?" Grian asked. "Hello young one." The watcher spoke. It seemed to him that the voice of the creature was a female. "Hello! How did you know I accepted?" Grian asked. He tried to walk to the watcher but instead went into a wall. "We are watchers, we see everything." She said. She directed Grian to his bed and he sat down. 

"I am here to inform you that the coronation will start in two days from now. My master will send a different watcher to get you." She gave Grian a plastic mask. "You put that on saying your ready to leave, thank you and have a great day." She said. "Good bye!" He said and laid down to go to sleep.


 Ren had asked Xisuma to call a server meeting, but no Grian. "So Ren why are we here again?" Cleo asked. Everyone was their. Most being tiered as it was 10pm. "Well.. me and a Grian were just- hanging out." Ren started. Hermits had a questioning face. Knowing if it's something about Grian they woke their bodies up instantly. "I was falling asleep then was brutally woken up, Grian received a note.." Ren said, he pulled the note out of his pocket. "The note read that watchers.. Want him to join them." Ren finished.

Every hermit had a disgusted face at the word watcher. They hated watchers in the past, now they ABSOLUTELY hate them. But knowing that the watchers want something to do with the youngest hermit (MY AU) well they had BIG problems. 

"Wait- did he agree?" Iskall asked. He really wanted to know and so did the other hermits. They nodded in agreement. "Wellll" Ren had his hand on the back of his head. "No-.." Xisuma whispered. Honestly they knew that Grian didn't know a clue about the watchers. But they didn't think he would accept so quickly. 

"B-but why??" Mumbo stuttered. "I don't know actually.." Ren replied.

.          TWO DAYS LATER — Just winged guys.. there was no idea for this-          . 

Grian was ready to leave so he got the mask and put it on. Though when he put it on, he felt energy get pulled out of him. The watcher stood infront of him and he didn't know. "You our puppet now.." the watcher said. Grians eyes turned a now purple color. Grian was lied to again. He didn't like this. But he knew that he couldn't get help. 

The watcher stepped outside and went to the shopping district. Lots of Hemrits were there at the time and were veryyyyy surprised to see a Grian, with a mask they all knew to well. "GOD DAMNIT!!" Xisuma yelled. He lost another friend.. and he didn't want to ban him like his brother. 

"Well well well well?? Isn't nice to see some friends again?" 'Grian' said. "Give my hermit back and no one gets hurt. "No.. But you know!" He said pointing at his cheek. "It's very easy to.. control a person that's so innocent." He said. 

Growls were heard from the hermits. No one, and they mean NO ONE, talked about him that way. 

"I will not hesitate to ban you.." tears rolled down Xisuma's face as he brought up admin panels. "B-but X, if you do that.." Stress said. "I know-" "HEHHEHE YOU DONT LEARN DONT YA? WE WATCHERS HAVE IMPROVED! BAN ME, BAN HIM BUT MY SPIRIT WILL STILL BE HERE!!" The watcher yelled. Though her sounded like Grian, he had a hind of a monotone voice him it. 

"..." Xisuma didn't like what he had to do. "X?" Mumbo said. Xisuma slowly walked up to "Grian" and.. brought a sword made of obsidian and a hint of netherite. "I'm sorry.." Xisuma pierced into his stomach and he gasped. "You are a brave admin I'll give you that.. but you just killed your very own hermit.." The watchers last words and the mask of Grian had fallen off. 

Once Grian came back. He instantly fell to the ground. Mumbo And Iskall ran to him and hugged him tightly. "WTH?" Tango yelled. "It was really the only way. I thought out plans, didnt work.. so this was the only answer." Xisuma softly said. Tears were still strolling down his cheeks. Hermits couldn't handle this and had left.. 

"Will he return?" Keralis asked. "Yes.. Next season he'll come back. Though he will definitely have some panic attacks." Xisuma said. 

Hermits sighed and waited for a very very long time to see their bundle of joy once again..




Not a cliffhanger. Uhm you've been waiting for this, I know. But I was busy sorry. I'm tiered, it's 2:50am- I can't stand this. Someone in my school insulted my mother. I threatened him with a very very sharp object.. and I'm going to prob make a part 2 to another cliffhanger from the others-. I made a drawing too. Well technically didn't make, customized. But I TRIED to edit. I'm pretty bad at editing, don't judge please-

AAAAAA CRINGEEEE! well enjoy your night and go to sleep- now

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AAAAAA CRINGEEEE! well enjoy your night and go to sleep- now.

- The Night Writer

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