The Nights

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"Hey Grian? Why are you always happy?" Stress asked. The hermits had always wondered why Grian would always be happy. "Why do you ask." Grian replied. He had a reason he just wanted to know why first. 

"Well your always so happy and cheerful! We never seen you cry or have any sad emotions." Iskall spoke. He grabbed a s'more. That day they were doing a server camping weekend. 

Grian looked up, "One day, my father told me "Son, don't let it slip away"." He felt a bit of sadness a bit happiness. "He took me in his arms, I heard him say. "When you get older, Your wild heart will live for younger days. Think of me if ever you're afraid"." He then looked at the hermits. The hermits had a happy face. "So you father is why your happy." Mumbo asked. Grian nodded and continued. His tears were now blacking his sight. 

"He said: "One day you'll leave this world behind, So live a life you will remember". " Grian said his tears then rolling down his eyes. Mumbo who was sitting next to him hugged him. "My father told me when I was just a child "These are the nights that never die" Grian finished. He wiped his tears off his face and smiled. He wasn't sad. Those were happy tears. 

By now all the hermits were hugging him. He loved this feeling. He loved this. "So your always going to be happy just for him?" Doc and Ren asked together. "Yeah for him" Grian softly said, he missed his father.



Hey! Short I know sorry. This song just kinda fit in with a camping day. Also this reminds me of wanting a father. I only have a mom and I'm grateful for it. I just wished sometimes to have a dad. Anyway, here is the thing so wanted to say.

So depression. Not something to laugh or make fun of. Honestly I said I wanted to die, and something that's kinda true. But when I say that to my irl friends, they laugh. They say that I'm a great actor. But I know that depression or being Sudicidal is NOT FUNNY! My friend joke that they are and I know they aren't.

They would also say that this is just a "phase". I HATE that word. Having depression or being sudicidal is not a "phase" it's a emotion something you feel. So if your parents even say that well I'm out of words.

Sorry this got serious, I'm usually a good, happy girl, but this just crossed the line.

So if no one is going to say it,

Not your friends,

Not your Family?

Well I will say it.

Being Depressed or sudicidal is not funny and is not a "phase"

It's a emotion and a lot of people feel that way. 

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