I'll need you to unmute + Is that you?

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The school had to do online classes for a week because they were gonna renovate the school a bit. 

The teacher was asking every classmate if they could hear her. They all nodded on zoom or put a thumbs up on the screen. The teacher kept talking and talking about how to use zoom properly and what you should or shouldnt do in class. Grian was paying attention, but not full attention.


At Grians house its normally not peaceful, so he would have gone to the Library with Mumbo to catch up on some homework. But that is usually after school, when his parents are yelling at each other. And he is at school, at home, meaning he cant go anywhere.

"So kids I want some of you to repeat ONE rule I ask you not to do." The teacher had spoke. A lot of kids had raised their hand on the zoom. [NAME] had been called, "Well dont unmute when the teacher speaks." He replied very proudly. "Very well [NAME]!" the teacher exclaimed. 

By now all the kids were raising their zoom hand, all but Grian. It made it more sus that he wasnt raising his hand to the GPS memebers. Mumbo knew exactly why.


The teacher had called on three more students after [NAME], and she defiantly saw Grian not raising his hand. "Grian? How about you. What is the last rule?" The teacher said. 

Grian was shocked and the GPS had gathered information. Grian had wrote in the zoom meeting chat

From Grian

Im sorry i cant unmute myself.

"Im sorry Grian but you will have to unmute.." The teacher replied softly. Grian sighed and unmute himself..


"WE HAVE A CHILD! SO YOU CAN NOT JUST GO DRUNK!?" "YEAH WELL I DONT CARE!" is what everyone heard in his back round. "I-" Grian mumbled looking down on the floor. "Grian are you okay?" the teacher said in a shocking manner. "Uhm I-" Is all he could say before he looked back up and looked where the shouting came from.

"I WANT A DIVORCE! AND IM TAKING MY CHILD!" The mother had said. At that point Grian was crying and he left his screen, he pressed the wrong button and instead turned his camera off instead of the mute button. He had forgotten to mute himself as he ran off. 

"Mom.. I dont want to leave.." Grian said sadly as his mom walked her back into his room. "I understand.. but its just for a little bit, then we can come back here." She replied. "Okay.." Grian mumbled. "Go back to class."


He went back to class and saw that he turned his camera off instead of muting himself. "Uh I.." Grian said beofre muting himeself once more. "Grian.. ask your mom if you can come over to my place." Mumbo said sadly. And for Mumbos reply he left the meeting. 

. Time skip to Mumbos house brought to you by.. Your death .

Grian was at Mumbos house, they both shared a screen, the teacher had completely forgotten about what happened. Soon the end of the day arrived and the group or friends followed them to where Mumbo and Grian usually go too. 

"So your leaving.." Mumbo said not to loudly. "I- yeah I guess." Grian said, more tears coming down from his eyes. 

"Where? A new neighborhood?" Mumbo asked, a little hopes that he asnt leaving the country. "Im sorry mumbo.. We are moving to where my Mom came from.." Grian sadly said. "Which is where?" Mumbo also asked. "England.." he said softly. By this the group of friends hugged him from behind.. "We are gonna miss you Grian.." They all said. "Dont worry! Its just temporary." He said trying to bring high hopes to his friends. 


Its been six years since Grian moved. They had lost contact of him. They all didnt want to leave each other til collage. So they went to the same school. They all were in Middle school by now an didnt forget about Grian. They really did miss him dearly. Most of all Mumbo missed him. 

"Hello Students! Welcome back from summer vacation yeah?" The teacher said, "Hi Mr. Teacher" The students replied. "Well this year, we have a new student!" The students were very excited, the group of friends, not very much. "Please come in." A short boy, who seemed to have just turned 12 was entering the door. He had dirty blonde hair, with a red Cardigan had walked into the door.

"Hi everyone!" He happily said, "My name is Grian! Hope to become good friends with you all!" He ended it off and went to an empty seat in the front, right next to Ren and Pearl. 


It was snack time and they all looked around for Grian. They sadly couldnt find him. Then at the tip of Stress' eyes, a boy with a red cardigan. They all shouted Grians name but he was to far to hear anything. They all watched as he walked into the schools library. The ran into the Library, "Shhhh" someone said behind the them. They turned around to see their youngest friend getting a book. 

"Grian!!" They said quietly as they tackled him to the floor. "Hi guys." He said trying to breathe. "They missed you very much Grian." Xisuma said. "And I missed them too." He replied.

They had all walked out of the Library going to one of the benches. They all sat down and asked Grian many questions. "Okay okay, first the only reason im more talkative now is because my original dad was shit, and my step-dad is even better. He loves reading Books!" Grian said happily. "Y-you cursed?" Mumbo said. Grian sighed, "I didnt i? Well usually happens when im talking about my dad." Grian replied to Mumbo. 

He had talkd about how he saw the queen of England, went to an arcade, and sadly got home-schooled. They all talked and talked ntil snack was over and thwy went to their usual classes. Everyone was really happy that he had opened up and become a little more serious sometimes.



Sooo kinda mixed together my middle school AU and my Kndergarten AU. Anywho still got the oneshot, but it was two at the same time? Also this was very long and  I might be late on homework- anywho. this doenst count as two oneshots. It was like a veryyyyyy long long oneshot that had two titles. 








Still here? okay short story it is.


As you know Grian was a little more serious now, here is an example of serious. 

All needed to catch up on some homework, all but Grian. Grian had finished all his homework already and was reading peacefully while the rest did their homework. Sadly instead of doing homework they just kept talking and talking. Grian on the other hand was ignoring them. 

Suddenly he snapped. "CAN YALL SHUT UP IM TRYING TO READ!! WE CAME HERE TO TO HOMEWORK!!" Grian yelled. All went silent and did their homework. "You can all do whatever when your done with homework." Grian said and he went back to his book. 

Later they were all done and they did what they did earlier.  At the end they left to their homes, but Grian actually did, the rest went over to Docs house.

"I think Grian is much much more serious when he has a book_" Xisuma said.



yeah dat all.. Ima do my homework, and anyone know how to multiply fractions?? i honestly dont-

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