Memories [2]

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Mumbo stayed by his brothers side, he didn't want to leave him alone again. Grian was in immense danger of life and death. Every few minutes he would stop breathing making mumbo very very worried. 

Mumbo didn't go out much and barely ate anything. Iskall was getting very worried for his best friend. Some hermits like Cub and Scar would force Mumbo to eat things. They didn't understand how much pain Mumbo was going through if his brother was gonna die. 

Tuartis was giving the admin ability from Grian. Xisuma said that Grian Must've passed it down when he was fighting the watchers. 


It was three months and Grian was in Coma and it was a month before the Evolutionists had to stay in Hermitcraft, they didn't want to go back to their server without Grian. Xisuma had asked hermits to let at least let two of Grians friends stay until their bases. Which all agree too. Mumbo still visited Grian, but went out more often.

It was almost a full month of Grian being in coma again.

Mumbo, Iskall and Xisuma were just talking about how they might have to ask the evolutionists to just stay in Hermitcraft. Well they were talking about this until the evolutionists were running iver screaming Xisuma's name. "XISUMA XISUMA!!" Tuartis cried out. "What happened?" Xisuma worried. "I- The admin panels- there, there gone!!" Tuartis replied hugging a friend of his.

"What?!" Mumbo yelled in much much confusion. "But that only means, Grian is either awake, or.. he's gone.." Xisuma looked down. Mumbo and the evolutionists started to cry. They soon got a message from stress.

[StressMonster101] HE IS AWAKE!! 

The evolutionists and trio went to where Grian was resting. As they went there they heard screaming. Mumbo soon ran there after hearing this. 

Grian was in a corner surrounded by panels. Mumbo ran up to him only to be knocked away. "WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE!?" He yelled. "I- I'm your brother?" Mumbo said but turned more into a question. "I don't remember having a brother-" Grian said not calmed down. "I don't even know my name or anything for that matter.." Grian said as he sat down in the corner of the room.


It was a week of trying to get Grians memory back. It worked a little, he did get to know his past again, but didn't remember the present day. He didn't know about being an admin, nor about the watchers.

More then a week past and it was about two more months in. Grian had learned a bit about his admin ability and checked the server code. They sadly couldn't go back. The world was corrupted. The were soon invited to be in Hermitcraft! This was half a month ago.

A code was broken in the Hermitcraft server, Xisuma was looking around for it. Grian had already found it, or them..


The watchers were looking around for a certain evolutionists. And once they found them they were very surprised that the evolutionist they needed had been found. He didn't attack or anything "╎ ℸ ̣ ⍑╎リꖌ ⍑ᒷ ꖎ𝙹ᓭℸ ̣ ⍑╎ᓭ ᒲᒷᒲ𝙹∷╎ᒷᓭ" the first watcher said, the head watcher looking surprised and replying, "∴ᒷꖎꖎ ꖎᒷℸ ̣ 'ᓭ ᒲᔑꖌᒷ ⊣𝙹𝙹↸ ⚍ᓭᒷ 𝙹⎓ ╎ℸ ̣" The watcher held his hand out. 

Grian watched as the creature held his hand out. He took it as a sign of friendship and was slowly reaching for it.

All the hermits and new hermits were running towards where the code was glitching. They saw that Grian was reaching out for the watchers hand. His friends (EVO)  were yelling at him to run away but it was too late. He grabbed the hand and they disappeared.




EDITED TIME: 1/22/2022 at 12am - 1am

Grian was surprised he was at, what did Mumbo call it? The end? But he was happy to make a new friendship but he was very cold. And was running out of breath. He wasn't used to this, and it was very cold in the end.


"GOD DAMN IT!" Mumbo screamed. He kicked a tree. "I mean we could get him back?" Xisuma said softly. "We ARE going to get him back. I just got him again, I'm not losing him again." Mumbo said as he continued to kick the tree.

It took them a while to get prepared but they were soon ready. They went to the end portal. They all jumped in. The swirling of the end portal made them sick, but they easily shook it off. "We'll follow you." Cleo nodded her head at Pearl and the Evolutionists went on their way. 

They soon met a castle made of pur pur blocks and obsidian. "Ready to go in?" False asked. Everyone slowly nodded and they went in the castle. A tube with some weird liquid had the hermit/Evolutionist in there. He was silently asleep. 

"TAKE HIM! WE DO NOT WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH HIM!" The head watcher said throwing Grian at them. They caught him and ran out. "What the hell do you think happened?" False asked as they were already back in the overworld. "I think he pulled a Grian. He is getting his memories back." Mumbo said hugging his younger brother tightly. 

. Wanna know what happened? Okay!! . 

Grian was cold and tiered. His new "friends" we so boring. He wanted to fall asleep and soon he did but before doing so, he kept annoying the heck out of them. Talking how Parrots have better wings then them and how that his friends are better then the watchers. 

The watchers were fed up and just locked him up in a tube, filled with some glowing liquid. The liquid was to keep any human safe and warm. 




Hey guys- lost motivation.. I was supposed to do 2 oneshots today but decided to literally just do roblox so I can make stuff.. but yeah.. I'll do oneshots tomorrow. Ima make a book full of random roblox bits- I'll edit this to make it longer later tho when I actually have motivation. ( I DIDNT MAKE THE ROBLOX THING) yeah funny ending I guess, I got lazy, and I'm tiered. Good night.

- The Night Writer (bruh, I almost wrote my real name-)

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