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The sounds of the waves fill my ears as they crash up against the shore. I lie they on the white sand looking up and the dark night sky as the only thing that lights up the cold streets of Birmingham is the full moon that sits in the sky above me.

I come out here every now and then at night just to watch the night sky. When I was younger I always went out and sat in my backyard with my father and looked at the stars and the moon. We would sit there and he would play the guitar and sing to me, sometimes he would even teach me how to play the guitar. Now that my Father has passed away I have been coming out here even more than before.

I was very close to my father. He was my best friend and I told him everything. He always told me that if I'm ever feeling lonely to look at the moon because someone, somewhere might be looking at it too.

Never in my life have I ever felt as lonely and empty as I do now. I never had to look at the moon like I am now because I was never lonely and I never needed someone desperately because he was there with me.

I feel a warm droplet of water run down my cheek as I think of my father any longer. I look up at the moon more intently and more tears start falling from my eyes.

"Dad. If you're up there please listen. I'm so lonely. I need you back Daddy I want you back you are everything and now I have nothing. I need someone to talk to like I talked to you. I want someone to love me for me and not the person I pretend to be. I want to be able to be myself around someone exactly like I was with you. I just need someone or something to make me happy so bad. I can't believe I am talking to the moon but to be honest it's all I've got." I cry, wiping every tear that falls from my cheek off my face.

"Dad I know that you love me so much and you told me that every day and I wish I would've told you that more. I'm just so lonely and I need happiness in my life Daddy. Just remember Dad that I will always love you no matter what happens." I smiles faintly up at the moon. I just stare at the moon for about 10 minutes then feel myself shivering.

I stand up and brush all of the sand off me and start walking back to my house. I approach my house and get my key out. I open the front door and the warm air hits me. I walk straight upstairs and into my room, putting my key down next to my alarm bedside lamp. I put my pyjamas on and climb into my warm bed.

I lie there trying to get the thought of what I said to the moon out my head but it doesn't work. Eventually I drift into a deep, dreamless sleep with the thought of my Dad still in my head.


Hey y'all! Welcome all to my book!

So I have a few disclaimers to cover before you begin reading this book.

1) The first like 15 chapters are super cringe aand things move way to quickly and ugh I know and I'm sorry guys. I swear I would go back and fix it all if I could but I honestly have no time as I'm in the middle of writing the sequel to this book and planning another book alongside that. :))

2) I began writing this book when I was 13 and i had just sorta started on wattpad and didnt have too much experience in writing before so the writing quality is not amazing in the beginning. 

3) I've been getting a ton of unnessersary hate on this book and I wanted to let y'all know that it doesn't effect me but if you really have a problem with this book then just stop reading it :))

Anyway, now that is all covered please enjoy my book, keep voting, commenting etc. and my inbox is always open and I'm always up for a chat!

Love you guys!

lexie xoxoxo

The Moon // bradley simpsonWhere stories live. Discover now