31: forgetting

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<> Skylar's P.O.V <>

I sit on my bed staring down at my laptop waiting... waiting... and waiting...

Today is my birthday and it's now midday and I have not heard anything from Bradley. We haven't had a proper conversation for a few weeks now. He's just getting so caught up in his work and he hasn't found much time for me.

We've seen each other and talked but nothing has been the same and I have no idea what to do. Was he getting bored with the relationship? I stilled loved him more than anyone else could imagine but I'm so confused at the moment.

"Sky?" I hear Ella from the hallway and she pops up at my doorway.

"Hmmmph?" I mumble and she purses her lips, looking down. The girls know that Bradley hasn't said anything yet.

"Still nothing?" She asks and I shake my head, looking down at my laptop, refreshing my twitter feed and seeing lots of tweets from fans saying happy birthday but not one from Brad.

"Nothing... No calls. No texts. No tweets. Nothing..." I say, placing my head in my hands.

"Do you think he could've forgot?" I ask her and she sighs, walking over to my bed slowly and sitting down next to me.

"I don't know... You guys have been so distant lately it's hard to tell. You know?" She says and I slowly nod.

"I don't know what to do. So much is happening at the moment. My career is taking off and so is his and we were so good before but why doesn't it start crashing down now?" I don't direct it to anyone. It's a bit of a rhetorical question.

I think back over the last few weeks and frown. A few nights ago I had organised a date for him. I when into the time and effort to bake a meal for me and him and it was an hour of me sitting at the dining table with the food getting cold when he texted me, saying he wouldn't be able to make it.

I sat there eating the cold lasagne then went straight into my room and cried for the rest of the night. He still doesn't know how much effort I put into that night and for how long I cried. After he blew me off that when I certainly knew that things were falling apart.

"Well I am just going to go food shopping. Do you have any recommendations?" She asks and I shake my head.

"Alright... Well I'll see you later then. Just don't do anything stupid. Please." She says and I nod. She walks out of my room and I slump down.

"Happy birthday to me..." I mumble in the tune of the famous song, letting a few tears drop from my eyes.


I hear my phone ringing from my side and I quickly sit up, hoping its Brad but I see that the caller ID reads James.

"Hi James." I answer, trying to sound happy.

"Happy birthday girl!" I could basically see James' smile. Well at least he remembered.

"Thanks... What's up?" I ask, refreshing my twitter again to see nothing from Bradley. I let out a sigh and I hear fumbling on his end of the phone.

"I just wanted to say happy birthday," James explained, "I hope I didn't interrupt you and Brad, he's probably got a huge day planned for you."

My heart shattered, and I felt a tear build up in my eye. I blinked it away, and opened my mouth, but nothing came out. Even James expected Bradley to do at least something. But here I was. Alone. On my 20th birthday.

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