4: tour?

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<> Skylar's P.O.V <>

I wake up to my phone ringing on my bedside table. I don't check the caller ID but I just answer it and place it to my ear.

"Hello?" I answer in my groggy morning voice.

"Sky did you just wake up?" I notice my best friend Ella's voice, ringing through the phone.

"Oh hello Ella and yes I did just wake up." I say, running my hand through my hair.

"I was wondering if you wanted to catch up today?" She asks and I check the time. The time reads 11:30.

"I actually can't today. I have the first day of my new job." I smile an she ooooo's on the other side of the phone making me chuckle.

"Wheres it at?" She asks and I pull the bed sheets off me.

"Aftermath Recording Studios-" I start and I hear a scream in the other side of the phone.


"Well I'm gonna have to go. I have my meeting in an hour." I say and I hear her shout out goodbye to someone on the other end of the phone.

"Alrighty Sky. See ya. Oh, and kill em' girl." She says and hand up. I chuckle and put my phone down next to me.

I stand up and walk to my bathroom, starting my shower. I step into my shower and wash my hair and do my normal shower routine.

I get out of the shower and wrap my towel around my body, walking back into my room. I have trouble deciding on an outfit. Should I dress professional? It is basically a job interview so I should dress to impress? Or should I dress like myself? I should dress like myself. I want to show them who I am.

I decide on light slightly ripped jeans, a striped crop top, and a black kimono with tassels on the bottom. I blow dry my hair until it's only slightly damp. I put my wavy brown hair into side fishtail plait and do my usual makeup.

I grab my handbag and put my songbook inside it along with my purse my phone and some extra makeup. I always carry extra makeup just in case of emergencies because you never know what will happen.

I check the time and see that its quarter past twelve. I walk downstairs and I can't find my car keys. I then realise that I left my car and keys and Brads from the party. I walk out of my door and see my red mini parked in my driveway. I see on the doorstep my keys sitting there with a note next to them.

The note reads,

Sorry about before. I thought I could make it up to you by bringing your car back.

Brad xxx

I smile and pull my phone out of my bag. I go on Brads contact and start a text.

Skylar<3: Hey, I just found the note. It's okay, I think I was overacting a bit. Thankyou for bringing my car. :) xx

I send the text then close my front door, walking to my car with my car keys in my hand. I get in the car and put the keys in.

I start driving to where the studio is located and it only takes me five minutes. I have five minutes to spare which is good so I walk into the building and see a woman sitting at a front desk.

She looks up and sees me walking towards her and smiles.

"Hi my name is Skylar Prescott. I have a meeting with Georgia Harold." I say when I get to the desk.

"Oh yes I will show you your way." She says, standing up and walking into a hallway. I follow behind her and she turns into a room. I stand behind her as she talks to a lady. She then leaves the room, leaving me and a woman sitting behind a desk. I look on her desk and there is a sign with her name on it.

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